INDEKS RETAIL BUTIK A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 59948628
Mossvej 2, 8700 Horsens
tel: 76752084

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-2 392.969 286.834 550.64-5 697.62-4 343.32
Other operating expenses- 105.72
Total depreciation- 255.36- 909.34
EBIT-2 392.969 286.834 550.64-6 058.70-5 252.67
Other financial income25.76199.1272.6067.10
Other financial expenses- 278.91- 184.83-55.80-45.34-3.22
Pre-tax profit-2 671.879 127.764 693.96-6 031.44-5 188.79
Income taxes- 251.50
Net earnings-2 671.878 876.264 693.96-6 031.44-5 188.79

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure3 205.964 243.13
Intangible assets total3 205.964 243.13
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable2 966.36663.721 448.091 342.371 374.96
Long term receivables total2 966.36663.721 448.091 342.371 374.96
Finished products/goods196.00227.24
Inventories total196.00227.24
Current trade debtors262.94245.05166.00840.83657.70
Current amounts owed by group member comp.248.436.25
Prepayments and accrued income520.18740.58
Current other receivables190.191 010.27712.30149.29268.41
Short term receivables total701.561 261.56878.301 510.301 666.69
Cash and bank deposits19 518.3332 932.4125 340.0020 913.33
Cash and cash equivalents19 518.3332 932.4125 340.0020 913.33
Balance sheet total (assets)3 863.9221 670.8535 258.8031 398.6228 198.10

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.00
Other reserves3 205.964 243.13
Retained earnings-5 677.80-8 349.67526.592 014.59-5 054.02
Profit of the financial year-2 671.878 876.264 693.96-6 031.44-5 188.79
Shareholders equity total-7 349.671 526.596 220.55189.11-4 999.68
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors6 093.1515 781.0316 202.7727 775.5128 347.35
Current owed to group member3 838.30392.547 440.14460.71435.33
Short-term deferred tax liabilities251.50
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 282.143 719.205 395.342 973.304 415.10
Current liabilities total11 213.5920 144.2629 038.2431 209.5133 197.78
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 863.9221 670.8535 258.8031 398.6228 198.10
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