LRK Bolig ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42228125
Rammetoften 19, Trørød 2950 Vedbæk

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit-22.41-11.3348.47
Reduction in value of non-current assets5 372.85
EBIT5 350.44-11.3348.47
Other financial income0.02
Other financial expenses-1.20- 607.00- 655.34
Pre-tax profit5 349.25- 618.33- 606.84
Income taxes-1 177.01136.03133.31
Net earnings4 172.23- 482.30- 473.54

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters18 000.0018 425.7718 972.79
Tangible assets total18 000.0018 425.7718 972.79
Other receivables0.00
Investments total0.00
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current other receivables37.44104.84
Short term receivables total37.44104.84
Cash and bank deposits89.2587.8568.65
Cash and cash equivalents89.2587.8568.65
Balance sheet total (assets)18 089.2518 551.0719 146.28

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.0040.00
Retained earnings4 172.233 689.93
Profit of the financial year4 172.23- 482.30- 473.54
Shareholders equity total4 212.233 729.933 256.39
Provisions1 177.011 040.98907.47
Non-current loans from credit institutions13 106.1613 761.47
Non-current trade creditors173.9937.94
Non-current other liabilities- 173.99-37.94
Non-current liabilities total13 106.1613 761.47
Current loans from credit institutions12 700.00673.991 220.94
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities500.001 150.00
Current liabilities total12 700.001 173.992 370.94
Balance sheet total (liabilities)18 089.2519 051.0720 296.28
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