BioMizing ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42461725
Langelandsvej 12, 5500 Middelfart
tel: 52900400

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit385.153 852.308 229.29
Employee benefit expenses-0.72-1 624.50-2 662.33
Total depreciation-1.38- 143.87- 382.96
EBIT383.052 083.935 184.00
Other financial income0.3854.72
Other financial expenses-1.70-19.64-27.16
Pre-tax profit381.352 064.295 211.56
Income taxes-86.50- 453.48-1 147.74
Net earnings294.851 610.804 063.82

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure269.81
Intangible assets total269.81
Machinery and equipment71.13958.41988.84
Tangible assets total71.131 525.311 496.07
Other receivables-0.00
Investments total-0.00
Non-current other receivables125.79162.99
Long term receivables total125.79162.99
Finished products/goods9.2481.9080.07
Inventories total9.2481.9080.07
Current trade debtors2 966.81997.492 273.48
Current amounts owed by group member comp.75.38263.632 062.71
Prepayments and accrued income14.68253.79204.22
Current other receivables1 056.10392.565 777.12
Current deferred tax assets12.10
Short term receivables total4 125.071 907.4710 317.54
Cash and bank deposits412.543 110.131 839.41
Cash and cash equivalents412.543 110.131 839.41
Balance sheet total (assets)4 617.986 750.6014 165.88

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital45.0045.0045.00
Shares repurchased50.00600.00600.00
Other reserves269.81
Retained earnings-50.00- 355.15385.85
Profit of the financial year294.851 610.804 063.82
Shareholders equity total339.851 900.655 364.47
Provisions98.60552.081 725.92
Non-current loans from credit institutions123.5794.48
Non-current liabilities total123.5794.48
Current loans from credit institutions27.5429.09
Current trade creditors997.862 692.632 906.94
Current owed to group member1 017.60146.66633.78
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities504.90884.822 273.51
Accruals and deferred income1 659.16422.661 137.70
Current liabilities total4 179.524 174.296 981.02
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 617.986 750.6014 165.88
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