GlobalConnect Invest DK A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38374893
Havneholmen 6, 2450 København SV

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales217.00
External services-3 516.00-2 132.00-1 273.00- 499.00- 226.00
Gross profit-3 299.00-2 132.00-1 273.00- 499.00- 226.00
Employee benefit expenses- 334.00
EBIT-3 633.00-2 132.00-1 273.00- 499.00- 226.00
Other financial income6 119.006 131.002 107.006 693.006 650.00
Other financial expenses-28 136.00-32 278.00-30 973.00-20 552.00-38 045.00
Pre-tax profit-25 650.00-28 279.00-30 139.00-14 358.00-31 621.00
Income taxes-18.001 117.00624.00293.00423.00
Net earnings-25 668.00-27 162.00-29 515.00-14 065.00-31 198.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies3 450 225.003 450 225.003 450 225.003 457 225.003 467 225.00
Investments total3 450 225.003 450 225.003 450 225.003 457 225.003 467 225.00
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.194 261.0056 768.0058 188.0061 571.00
Long term receivables total194 261.0056 768.0058 188.0061 571.00
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.202 546.009 548.0011 435.0036 528.0029 344.00
Current other receivables609.007.009.0039.00
Current deferred tax assets740.001 857.003 066.003 066.003 489.00
Short term receivables total203 895.0011 412.0014 510.0039 594.0032 872.00
Cash and bank deposits156.00297.00159.0075.00
Cash and cash equivalents156.00297.00159.0075.00
Balance sheet total (assets)3 654 276.003 656 195.003 521 662.003 555 082.003 561 668.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital27 857.0027 857.0027 857.0027 857.0027 857.00
Retained earnings2 748 969.002 723 301.002 696 139.002 666 624.002 652 559.00
Profit of the financial year-25 668.00-27 162.00-29 515.00-14 065.00-31 198.00
Shareholders equity total2 751 158.002 723 996.002 694 481.002 680 416.002 649 218.00
Non-current owed to group member899 944.00932 199.00827 032.00874 550.00881 667.00
Non-current liabilities total899 944.00932 199.00827 032.00874 550.00881 667.00
Current trade creditors1 185.00
Current owed to group member1 888.0029 988.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities101.00149.00116.00795.00
Current liabilities total3 174.00149.00116.0030 783.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 654 276.003 656 195.003 521 662.003 555 082.003 561 668.00
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