CVR number: 36200553
Mariehamngade 15, 2150 Nordhavn

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-3.51-8.95-4.20
Other financial income8.15
Other financial expenses-3.84-5.18-4.81-4.36
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets750.00500.001 240.552 000.002 000.00
Pre-tax profit746.16494.821 232.231 986.692 003.95
Income taxes-99.88
Net earnings746.16494.821 132.351 986.692 003.95

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Participating interests1 477.212 120.941 790.151 790.151 790.15
Investments total1 477.212 120.941 790.151 790.151 790.15
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current owed by particip. interest comp.1 212.311 037.573 070.363 545.882 545.88
Current other receivables330.793.510.551.00
Short term receivables total1 543.101 041.083 070.363 546.432 546.88
Cash and bank deposits683.14950.13370.86946.723 839.22
Cash and cash equivalents683.14950.13370.86946.723 839.22
Balance sheet total (assets)3 703.444 112.145 231.376 283.308 176.25

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Shares repurchased110.60113.00114.40115.00250.00
Retained earnings2 766.683 399.843 780.264 097.615 834.30
Profit of the financial year746.16494.821 132.351 986.692 003.95
Shareholders equity total3 703.444 087.675 107.016 279.308 168.25
Non-current liabilities total
Current owed to group member24.4824.48
Short-term deferred tax liabilities99.88
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities4.008.00
Current liabilities total24.48124.364.008.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 703.444 112.145 231.376 283.308 176.25
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