HESTBJERG ØKOLOGI ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 26672104
Nr Feldingvej 100, Idom 7500 Holstebro
tel: 21823587

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit16 544.5032 123.7541 074.7718 686.8117 446.50
Employee benefit expenses-10 144.57-11 283.58-13 459.56-11 743.30-10 565.98
Other operating expenses- 325.07- 169.20- 189.91- 292.35-46.86
Total depreciation-5 034.38-5 828.83-4 786.33-4 646.07-4 377.69
Reduction in value of non-current assets-2 126.34-2 846.082 756.90-1 608.81
EBIT1 040.4814 842.1422 638.982 005.102 455.97
Other financial income210.132 076.731 157.257 540.052 308.79
Other financial expenses-1 258.73-2 346.21- 873.87-1 365.96-2 874.49
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets263.21371.34
Pre-tax profit-8.1114 835.8723 293.698 179.201 890.26
Income taxes380.49-2 030.01-5 677.89-1 951.43- 184.43
Net earnings372.3812 805.8517 615.806 227.771 705.83

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights216.85100.12
Intangible assets total216.85100.12
Land and waters63 950.0163 950.0180 641.6580 568.7586 970.26
Buildings33 617.9630 314.1729 837.9227 501.4926 134.36
Machinery and equipment3 409.423 128.852 628.362 136.721 733.06
Other tangible assets6 031.206 533.808 628.005 526.317 412.42
Tangible assets total107 008.59103 926.83121 735.93115 733.27122 250.10
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable2 260.221 293.45968.73888.12984.33
Non-current other receivables12 599.6818 941.9729 306.5037 171.7339 079.28
Long term receivables total14 859.9020 235.4230 275.2338 059.8540 063.61
Raw materials and consumables1 305.392 174.102 194.483 427.942 946.68
Finished products/goods11 609.6113 592.3316 987.4112 127.8613 467.87
Inventories total12 915.0115 766.4319 181.8915 555.8016 414.55
Current trade debtors2 033.732 030.782 456.011 466.371 382.20
Current amounts owed by group member comp.844.692 695.783 483.253 530.44
Current other receivables1 808.373 543.211 932.304 306.621 339.09
Short term receivables total4 686.808 269.777 871.559 303.432 721.29
Cash and bank deposits0.30710.360.30155.692 037.41
Cash and cash equivalents0.30710.360.30155.692 037.41
Balance sheet total (assets)139 687.45149 008.93179 064.89178 808.04183 486.96

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital210.00210.00210.00210.00210.00
Asset revaluation reserve3 754.704 381.004 381.004 381.004 381.00
Shares repurchased1 000.002 200.001 000.003 600.00
Retained earnings52 483.2750 407.6062 918.4377 777.8484 005.61
Profit of the financial year372.3812 805.8517 615.806 227.771 705.83
Shareholders equity total57 820.3470 004.4586 125.2392 196.6190 302.44
Provisions5 359.004 715.006 173.204 261.404 285.10
Non-current loans from credit institutions66 636.4863 769.3460 501.9671 047.6475 820.12
Non-current other liabilities1 358.301 613.1813 878.62
Non-current liabilities total67 994.7765 382.5374 380.5771 047.6475 820.12
Current loans from credit institutions3 063.212 168.002 260.692 404.002 882.00
Current trade creditors3 070.791 962.323 500.423 664.844 993.61
Current owed to group member83.693 601.35
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 553.944 127.616 068.454 769.921 065.08
Accruals and deferred income741.72649.02556.33463.64537.27
Current liabilities total8 513.338 906.9512 385.8911 302.4013 079.30
Balance sheet total (liabilities)139 687.45149 008.93179 064.89178 808.04183 486.96
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