Berggreen Multiservice aps — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38122460
Brandstrupvej 10, 2610 Rødovre
tel: 21129474

Company information

Official name
Berggreen Multiservice aps
Company form
Private limited company
  • Expand more icon81Services to buildings and landscape activities

About Berggreen Multiservice aps

Berggreen Multiservice aps (CVR number: 38122460) is a company from RØDOVRE. The company recorded a gross profit of 0 kDKK in 2022. The operating profit was 0 kDKK, while net earnings were 0 kDKK. The profitability of the company measured by Return on Assets (ROA) was 0 %, which can be considered poor and Return on Equity (ROE) was 0 %, which can be considered poor. The equity ratio, a key indicator for solidity, stood at 0 %. This indicates that the company's debt surpasses the value of its total assets, posing significant financial risk. Berggreen Multiservice aps's liquidity measured by quick ratio was 0 which is at a very low level. Thus, the company is in an unstable financial position, with its liquid assets significantly undermatching its current liabilities. This severe liquidity deficiency may lead to financial distress and threaten the company's operational continuity.

Financial information

See financials

Gross profit (kDKK)




Key figures (kDKK)

See financials
Net sales
Gross profit0.01-20.57- 176.16-1.66
EBIT-2.28-23.07- 178.66-4.16
Net earnings-1.78-17.99- 152.62-3.35
Shareholders equity total65.4947.50- 105.12- 108.47
Balance sheet total (assets)111.48114.06168.73182.38
Net debt1.0119.62190.28200.73
ROA-2.0 %-20.5 %-92.1 %-1.5 %
ROE-2.7 %-31.8 %-141.2 %-1.9 %
ROI-3.4 %-34.5 %-129.9 %-1.9 %
Economic value added (EVA)-1.39-20.45- 144.302.016.90
Equity ratio58.7 %41.6 %-38.4 %-37.3 %
Gearing1.5 %41.3 %-197.8 %-211.7 %
Relative net indebtedness %
Quick ratio0.
Current ratio1.
Cash and cash equivalents17.6628.88
Capital use efficiency
Trade debtors turnover (days)
Net working capital %
Credit risk
Credit ratingBBBBBBBB

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