LYCAMOBILE DENMARK ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32560466
Sydmarken 32, 2860 Søborg

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 297.00263.003 387.00
Employee benefit expenses-1 739.00-1 064.00-2 765.00
Other operating expenses- 107 111.00- 962.00-8 165.00
Total depreciation- 187.00- 183.00- 173.00
EBIT- 106 740.00-22.00-7 716.00
Other financial income297.001 028.00
Other financial expenses- 545.00-16 430.00
Pre-tax profit- 106 988.001 006.00-24 146.00
Income taxes-21.00-15.00- 248.00
Net earnings- 107 009.00991.00-24 394.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment417.00234.00170.00
Tangible assets total417.00234.00170.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors536.00143.00
Prepayments and accrued income164.00267.009.00
Current other receivables441 035.008 314.0068.00
Current deferred tax assets25.0032.00
Short term receivables total441 760.008 756.0077.00
Cash and bank deposits137.00256.00
Cash and cash equivalents137.00256.00
Balance sheet total (assets)442 314.009 246.00247.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings-1 525.00- 108 534.00- 107 543.00
Profit of the financial year- 107 009.00991.00-24 394.00
Shareholders equity total- 108 409.00- 107 418.00- 131 812.00
Provisions77 664.0076 375.0092 098.00
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors1 571.001 230.00580.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities70.0054.00269.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities471 098.0038 925.0038 815.00
Accruals and deferred income320.0080.00297.00
Current liabilities total473 059.0040 289.0039 961.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)442 314.009 246.00247.00
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