Kære Børn Kolding ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 37109045
Albuen 3, 6000 Kolding

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit3 669.741 862.852 402.83
Employee benefit expenses-2 576.22-2 147.83-1 792.18
Total depreciation- 399.62- 295.83- 282.31
EBIT693.89- 580.81328.34
Other financial expenses- 345.69- 304.51- 310.83
Pre-tax profit348.20- 885.3217.51
Income taxes- 109.24188.15-14.00
Net earnings238.96- 697.173.51

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill2 120.001 880.001 640.00
Intangible assets total2 120.001 880.001 640.00
Machinery and equipment101.79146.97106.93
Tangible assets total101.79146.97106.93
Other receivables205.79205.79205.79
Investments total205.79205.79205.79
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods3 827.084 050.003 500.00
Inventories total3 827.084 050.003 500.00
Prepayments and accrued income2.5318.80
Current other receivables152.2225.00
Current deferred tax assets173.00159.00
Short term receivables total327.75202.80
Cash and bank deposits17.3054.70125.57
Cash and cash equivalents17.3054.70125.57
Balance sheet total (assets)6 271.966 665.215 781.09

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.00
Retained earnings238.96- 458.21
Profit of the financial year238.96- 697.173.51
Shareholders equity total288.96- 408.21- 404.70
Non-current loans from credit institutions1 697.821 400.231 018.71
Non-current other liabilities246.88125.00
Non-current liabilities total1 944.701 525.231 018.71
Current loans from credit institutions840.931 887.682 202.40
Advances received468.29339.07238.84
Current trade creditors1 464.111 934.091 619.37
Current owed to group member90.9790.97
Short-term deferred tax liabilities94.09
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 155.741 296.381 015.51
Current liabilities total4 023.165 548.195 167.08
Balance sheet total (liabilities)6 271.966 665.215 781.09
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