COMAR HOLDINGS ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 25796918
Holbergsgade 14, 1057 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales1 705 596.00
Other operating income117 558.00
Purchases during the financial year-1 157 572.00
External services- 210 986.00- 509.00- 432.00
Gross profit337 038.00117 049.00- 432.00
Employee benefit expenses- 312 471.00
Total depreciation-29 959.00
EBIT-5 392.00117 049.00- 432.00
Other financial income23 901.00803.005 192.00
Other financial expenses-12 954.00- 251.00-9 043.00
Pre-tax profit5 555.00117 601.00-4 283.00
Income taxes-3 860.00-1.00
Net earnings1 695.00117 600.00-4 283.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings134 189.00
Machinery and equipment15 383.00
Advance payments and construction in progress4 373.00
Tangible assets total153 945.00
Other receivables-1.00
Investments total-1.00
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.272 409.00264 953.00
Non-current other receivables66 817.00
Long term receivables total66 817.00272 409.00264 953.00
Raw materials and consumables7 877.00
Finished products/goods27 030.00
Inventories total34 907.00
Current trade debtors129 271.00
Current other receivables39
Short term receivables total168 443.008.008.00
Cash and bank deposits82 879.00
Cash and cash equivalents82 879.00
Balance sheet total (assets)506 990.00272 417.00264 961.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital151.00151.00151.00
Retained earnings148 417.0041 469.00159 070.00
Profit of the financial year1 695.00117 600.00-4 283.00
Shareholders equity total150 263.00159 220.00154 938.00
Non-current other liabilities6 152.00108 889.00105 275.00
Non-current liabilities total6 152.00108 889.00105 275.00
Current loans from credit institutions147 847.00
Current trade creditors141 704.004 308.004 748.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities27 942.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities33 083.00
Current liabilities total350 576.004 308.004 748.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)506 990.00272 417.00264 961.00
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