Ishockey VM 2018 P/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 36988606
Brøndby Stadion 20, 2605 Brøndby
tel: 40334054

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales246.63130 189.44
Other operating income12 699.708 857.50
External services-7 968.42- 109 439.93
Gross profit2 958.474 977.9129 607.01
Employee benefit expenses-2 952.76-5 037.32-4 651.15
Total depreciation-4.71-12.40-23.75
EBIT0.99-71.8024 932.12
Other financial income2.8078.1435.65
Other financial expenses-3.79-6.34-34.75
Pre-tax profit24 933.02
Net earnings24 933.02

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights744.17
Intangible assets total744.17
Machinery and equipment14.1423.75
Tangible assets total14.1423.75
Other receivables79.69132.28
Investments total79.69132.28
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.7.78
Prepayments and accrued income898.0010 018.74
Current other receivables513.105 064.871 813.94
Short term receivables total1 411.1015 083.611 821.72
Cash and bank deposits2 116.2855 661.69380.51
Cash and cash equivalents2 116.2855 661.69380.51
Balance sheet total (assets)3 621.2171 645.502 202.23

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00
Retained earnings-0.00-23 250.79
Profit of the financial year24 933.02
Shareholders equity total500.00500.002 182.23
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors767.489 072.3020.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 218.376 184.63
Accruals and deferred income1 135.3555 888.57
Current liabilities total3 121.2171 145.5020.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 621.2171 645.502 202.23
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