PP MØBLER ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 61064613
Vestvej 45, 3450 Allerød
tel: 48172106

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit22 531.0025 393.0025 613.0037 075.0033 272.66
Employee benefit expenses-20 425.00-23 014.00-24 852.00-27 763.00-26 342.36
Other operating expenses-38.00
Total depreciation-1 417.00-1 519.00-1 728.00-1 864.00-1 875.34
EBIT651.00860.00- 967.007 448.005 054.96
Other financial income4.0096.0063.0023.00
Other financial expenses-1 000.00- 459.00- 399.00- 504.00- 988.41
Pre-tax profit- 345.00497.00-1 303.006 967.004 066.55
Income taxes53.00- 124.00280.00-1 538.00- 905.84
Net earnings- 292.00373.00-1 023.005 429.003 160.71

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure367.00287.00207.00126.76
Intangible assets total367.00287.00207.00126.76
Land and waters13 463.0012 987.0012 501.0012 577.0011 561.89
Buildings797.00759.003 629.004 081.003 997.49
Machinery and equipment341.00428.00448.00500.00316.34
Advance payments and construction in progress605.00403.00
Tangible assets total14 601.0014 174.0017 183.0017 561.0015 875.72
Other receivables125.00166.00166.00554.00553.83
Investments total125.00166.00166.00554.00553.83
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products8 716.0010 753.0012 701.0013 862.0012 150.17
Raw materials and consumables4 845.006 025.005 982.006 599.007 211.03
Finished products/goods1 274.001 347.00926.00765.001 022.56
Inventories total14 835.0018 125.0019 609.0021 226.0020 383.76
Current trade debtors3 072.001 485.003 896.003 853.003 773.07
Current amounts owed by group member comp.78.00100.00486.00992.00568.11
Prepayments and accrued income387.00184.00138.00305.00302.55
Current other receivables646.00607.00511.00622.00788.10
Short term receivables total4 183.002 376.005 031.005 772.005 431.83
Cash and bank deposits39.0061.005.000.21
Cash and cash equivalents39.0061.005.000.21
Balance sheet total (assets)33 783.0035 269.0042 281.0045 320.0042 372.10

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 050.001 050.001 050.001 050.001 050.00
Shares repurchased4 900.00
Other reserves394.00394.00394.00394.00-4 106.25
Retained earnings7 179.006 888.007 260.006 237.006 765.44
Profit of the financial year- 292.00373.00-1 023.005 429.003 160.71
Shareholders equity total8 331.008 705.007 681.0013 110.0011 769.91
Provisions808.00931.00651.001 477.00827.14
Non-current loans from credit institutions8 439.007 976.007 514.007 180.008 833.92
Non-current leasing loans423.00184.001 542.001 314.001 063.63
Non-current other liabilities712.001 980.002 976.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities2 104.002 220.87
Non-current liabilities total9 574.0010 140.0012 032.0010 598.0012 118.42
Current loans from credit institutions6 468.004 174.006 198.005 581.009 147.41
Advances received2 332.003 619.009 491.008 043.001 999.67
Current trade creditors3 324.002 814.002 153.002 900.002 141.16
Short-term deferred tax liabilities56.00713.001 555.29
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 890.004 886.004 075.002 898.002 645.64
Accruals and deferred income167.46
Current liabilities total15 070.0015 493.0021 917.0020 135.0017 656.64
Balance sheet total (liabilities)33 783.0035 269.0042 281.0045 320.0042 372.10
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