Rain ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38966154
Sletvej 2 D, 8310 Tranbjerg J
tel: 28553884

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 107.891 605.212 896.433 767.762 835.70
Employee benefit expenses-1 152.64-1 340.54-2 023.55-2 475.69-3 217.03
Total depreciation-11.31-25.81-32.25-15.56-28.95
EBIT-56.06238.86840.631 276.50- 410.27
Other financial expenses-0.00-2.49-6.63-0.16-1.48
Pre-tax profit-56.06236.37834.001 276.35- 411.75
Income taxes13.10-52.56- 183.74- 291.93-31.47
Net earnings-42.97183.81650.26984.41- 443.23

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment42.7176.7644.5128.95
Tangible assets total42.7176.7644.5128.95
Other receivables38.38
Investments total38.38
Non-current loans receivable25.00
Non-current other receivables38.3838.38
Long term receivables total25.0038.3838.38
Inventories total
Current trade debtors266.1988.25374.111 025.18190.51
Current other receivables0.145.57
Current deferred tax assets29.064.659.518.1138.00
Short term receivables total295.3992.89389.191 033.29228.51
Cash and bank deposits143.85289.901 075.391 403.931 777.36
Cash and cash equivalents143.85289.901 075.391 403.931 777.36
Balance sheet total (assets)506.95459.551 547.462 504.542 044.25

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Retained earnings74.22- 194.75-10.94639.321 623.73
Profit of the financial year-42.97183.81650.26984.41- 443.23
Shareholders equity total81.2539.06689.321 673.731 230.50
Non-current liabilities total
Current loans from credit institutions0.170.32
Current trade creditors2.1254.426.50
Current owed to participating7.847.847.847.847.84
Short-term deferred tax liabilities34.16218.77283.08
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities415.57378.18631.54485.48799.41
Current liabilities total425.70420.49858.14830.81813.75
Balance sheet total (liabilities)506.95459.551 547.462 504.542 044.25
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