ML BRØNDBY HOLDING A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 25707885
Ole Rømers Vej 71, Vridsløsemagle 2630 Taastrup

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12
Net sales518 787.06
Costs of manufacturing- 475 346.09
Gross profit43 440.97
Costs of management-52 538.59
EBIT-9 097.63
Other financial income89.65
Other financial expenses-3 291.71
Pre-tax profit-12 299.69
Income taxes611.17
Net earnings-11 688.52

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total571.43
Land and waters28 429.92
Machinery and equipment173 688.38
Tangible assets total202 118.30
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable3 956.47
Long term receivables total3 956.47
Inventories total
Current trade debtors93 282.44
Prepayments and accrued income6 132.23
Current other receivables1 567.58
Current deferred tax assets1 121.45
Short term receivables total102 103.70
Cash and bank deposits6 939.22
Cash and cash equivalents6 939.22
Balance sheet total (assets)315 689.12

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital10 000.00
Retained earnings117 172.98
Profit of the financial year-11 688.52
Minority interest (BS)-1 132.76
Shareholders equity total114 351.70
Provisions2 331.86
Non-current loans from credit institutions3 570.64
Non-current leasing loans83 346.89
Non-current liabilities total86 917.53
Current loans from credit institutions42 280.00
Current trade creditors20 257.71
Current owed to group member1 285.93
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities48 264.40
Current liabilities total112 088.03
Balance sheet total (liabilities)315 689.12
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