Dansk Højtryk A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38487884
Trunderupvej 1 A, 5683 Haarby

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 707.002 336.003 270.003 244.005 229.09
Employee benefit expenses-1 576.00-1 784.00-2 577.00-2 852.00-4 730.82
Total depreciation-81.00- 112.00- 165.00- 208.00- 245.88
Other financial income5.0010.009.38
Other financial expenses-47.00-64.00-44.00-42.00- 146.53
Net income from associates (fin.)34.0045.0085.00
Pre-tax profit37.00421.00574.00152.00115.24
Income taxes-2.00-85.00- 109.00-35.00-27.49
Net earnings35.00336.00465.00117.0087.75

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure177.00157.0098.0059.0023.45
Intangible assets total225.00189.00114.0059.0023.45
Machinery and equipment199.00382.00553.00386.00238.86
Tangible assets total199.00382.00553.00386.00238.86
Holdings in group member companies59.00104.00189.00
Other receivables15.0015.0015.00
Investments total74.00119.00204.00
Non-current other receivables15.0015.00
Long term receivables total15.0015.00
Raw materials and consumables988.001 546.002 203.00
Finished products/goods2 305.002 878.75
Inventories total988.001 546.002 203.002 305.002 878.75
Current trade debtors570.00955.00758.00743.001 365.38
Current amounts owed by group member comp.12.0070.0012.00
Prepayments and accrued income22.0069.0056.00155.00100.67
Current other receivables139.0060.0055.00240.00
Short term receivables total743.001 154.00881.001 138.001 466.05
Cash and bank deposits3.0037.0010.0018.04
Cash and cash equivalents3.0037.0010.0018.04
Balance sheet total (assets)2 232.003 390.003 992.003 913.004 640.15

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased170.00500.00
Other reserves34.0079.00164.00- 481.71
Retained earnings159.00149.00400.00859.00457.83
Profit of the financial year35.00336.00465.00117.0087.75
Shareholders equity total728.001 064.001 529.001 646.001 063.87
Non-current loans from credit institutions436.00386.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities49.0036.55
Non-current liabilities total436.00386.0049.0036.55
Current loans from credit institutions669.00581.00307.00748.001 633.34
Current trade creditors518.00718.00576.00886.001 602.77
Current owed to group member51.00156.00113.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities13.0081.00109.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities218.00315.00933.00559.00287.37
Current liabilities total1 469.001 851.002 038.002 193.003 523.48
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 232.003 390.003 992.003 913.004 640.15
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