Ausmark ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40422668
Oslo Plads 2, 2100 København Ø
tel: 33340000

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit15 015.5743 640.5966 748.4144 169.57102 020.73
Employee benefit expenses-14 777.22-36 763.96-54 942.69-70 823.50-59.27
Total depreciation-2 076.68-5 094.55-9 117.82-70 601.44
EBIT-1 838.341 782.082 687.89-97 255.37101 961.46
Other financial income250.00
Other financial expenses-58.01-0.51-1 111.62-2 493.14-2 306.55
Pre-tax profit-1 896.352 031.571 576.28-99 748.5199 654.91
Income taxes-76.66- 405.945 395.81-6 275.55
Net earnings-1 896.351 954.911 170.34-94 352.7093 379.36

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights6 854.966 356.4217 621.86
Intangible assets total6 854.966 356.4217 621.86
Buildings20 262.6937 731.9529 359.90
Machinery and equipment59.6753.5112 782.695 167.80
Advance payments and construction in progress4 621.1310 182.152 549.30698.36
Tangible assets total24 943.4847 967.6244 691.885 866.16
Other receivables832.611 431.592 109.093 089.41
Investments total832.611 431.592 109.093 089.41
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables333.34533.49691.702 158.48
Inventories total333.34533.49691.702 158.48
Current trade debtors337.864 788.573 134.941 764.45
Current amounts owed by group member comp.6 355.006 126.33856.5335 967.21
Prepayments and accrued income629.681 585.4810 945.21536.84
Current other receivables424.35432.681 944.601 959.25
Current deferred tax assets4 913.21
Short term receivables total7 746.9012 933.0516 881.289 173.7635 967.21
Cash and bank deposits2 213.928 773.47969.741 728.3656.69
Cash and cash equivalents2 213.928 773.47969.741 728.3656.69
Balance sheet total (assets)42 925.2177 995.6482 965.5522 016.1736 023.90

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital190.00190.00190.00190.00190.00
Retained earnings34 175.4732 279.1234 234.0435 404.38-58 948.33
Profit of the financial year-1 896.351 954.911 170.34-94 352.7093 379.36
Shareholders equity total32 469.1234 424.0435 594.38-58 758.3334 621.04
Provisions76.66482.5923 987.25
Non-current other liabilities292.56648.64
Non-current liabilities total292.56648.64
Current loans from credit institutions0.73
Current trade creditors4 773.7810 664.1414 828.908 159.87
Current owed to group member1 984.8827 856.6128 531.3647 894.34
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities3 404.134 325.563 528.33733.031 402.86
Current liabilities total10 163.5242 846.3146 888.5856 787.241 402.86
Balance sheet total (liabilities)42 925.2177 995.6482 965.5522 016.1736 023.90
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