HOSPITECH DANMARK ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 35635262
Pottemagervej 1, 7100 Vejle
tel: 76401984

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 097.711 374.951 802.422 141.952 194.30
Employee benefit expenses- 590.80- 773.24-1 041.52- 994.35-1 163.57
Total depreciation- 256.21- 243.11- 150.65-21.33
EBIT250.70358.60610.261 147.601 009.39
Other financial income0.0423.25
Other financial expenses-16.67-13.25-15.89-11.78-9.52
Pre-tax profit234.03345.35594.371 135.871 023.12
Income taxes- 158.62-76.20- 171.38- 250.50- 226.10
Net earnings75.41269.15422.99885.36797.02

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment393.76150.65138.67
Tangible assets total393.76150.65138.67
Investments total
Deferred tax assets32.20
Long term receivables total32.20
Advance payments208.90
Inventories total208.90
Current trade debtors184.84242.24300.38715.09741.56
Current amounts owed by group member comp.577.77777.31970.19188.47
Current other receivables0.040.04
Current deferred tax assets72.8619.3114.486.76
Short term receivables total835.461 019.551 289.87918.09748.36
Cash and bank deposits186.68499.29944.241 022.341 455.09
Cash and cash equivalents186.68499.29944.241 022.341 455.09
Balance sheet total (assets)1 415.901 701.702 234.111 940.422 551.02

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased110.601 406.78885.36797.02
Retained earnings639.23714.64- 422.99- 885.36- 797.02
Profit of the financial year75.41269.15422.99885.36797.02
Shareholders equity total875.241 033.791 456.78935.36847.02
Provisions- 272.39
Non-current loans from credit institutions272.38272.38
Non-current other liabilities0.01
Non-current liabilities total272.39272.38
Current loans from credit institutions30.50240.98207.99173.68
Current trade creditors30.3454.3217.80106.90
Current owed to participating51.5849.48
Current owed to group member510.92
Short-term deferred tax liabilities51.58210.07404.16464.05
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities510.17313.59271.96323.52398.97
Current liabilities total540.66395.52777.331 005.061 703.99
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 415.901 701.702 234.111 940.422 551.02
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