CONTRASHIP ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 71327914
Esperance Alle 6 A, 2920 Charlottenlund
tel: 40749943

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit- 195.00- 243.00- 197.00- 157.00- 238.15
Employee benefit expenses- 208.00- 204.00- 211.00- 203.00- 223.20
Other operating expenses- 158.00
Total depreciation- 117.00- 111.00- 111.00- 111.00- 108.04
EBIT- 678.00- 558.00- 519.00- 471.00- 569.38
Other financial income298.00615.00336.00213.00741.84
Other financial expenses-99.00-26.00-71.00-57.00-50.89
Reduction non-current investment assets- 161.35
Net income from associates (fin.)5.0029.0021.00270.44
Pre-tax profit- 474.00-80.00- 225.00- 294.00230.66
Income taxes- 289.0016.0025.0020.80
Net earnings- 763.00-80.00- 209.00- 269.00251.47

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters2 903.002 885.002 868.002 851.002 834.42
Machinery and equipment436.00343.00249.00155.0063.73
Tangible assets total3 339.003 228.003 117.003 006.002 898.15
Holdings in group member companies133.0021.0050.0071.00340.56
Participating interests735.00735.00735.00735.00573.65
Other receivables17.0017.0017.0017.00
Investments total885.00773.00802.00823.00914.21
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.2 836.002 998.003 072.003 090.00233.68
Non-current loans receivable750.001 031.001 362.002 358.002 358.26
Non-current other receivables130.00139.00148.00
Long term receivables total3 716.004 168.004 582.005 448.002 591.94
Inventories total
Current trade debtors69.0010.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.9.00
Current owed by particip. interest comp.
Current other receivables2 419.002 302.001 684.00765.001 288.67
Current deferred tax assets17.0022.0067.0072.00105.29
Short term receivables total2 520.002 332.001 759.00855.001 402.08
Other current investments356.00414.00653.00887.001 438.96
Cash and bank deposits1 204.00935.00739.001 349.003 540.82
Cash and cash equivalents1 560.001 349.001 392.002 236.004 979.78
Balance sheet total (assets)12 020.0011 850.0011 652.0012 368.0012 786.16

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital200.00200.00200.00200.00200.00
Shares repurchased111.00113.00118.00135.00
Other reserves57.0045.0066.04
Retained earnings12 116.0011 296.0011 098.0010 844.0010 419.28
Profit of the financial year- 763.00-80.00- 209.00- 269.00251.47
Shareholders equity total11 721.0011 529.0011 207.0010 820.0011 071.79
Non-current owed to group member1 033.001 184.58
Non-current liabilities total1 033.001 184.58
Current trade creditors57.0057.0057.0053.0052.50
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities242.00264.00388.00462.00477.29
Current liabilities total299.00321.00445.00515.00529.79
Balance sheet total (liabilities)12 020.0011 850.0011 652.0012 368.0012 786.16
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