JUST MOKKA A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 37522589
Midtager 33, 2605 Brøndby
tel: 20104012

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit4 361.765 042.936 194.184 979.226 101.64
Employee benefit expenses-2 614.33-3 228.63-3 513.50-3 445.43-2 980.14
Other operating expenses-28.32- 469.07
Total depreciation-9.25-30.42-29.38-26.28-26.28
EBIT1 738.181 755.562 182.231 507.503 095.23
Other financial income2.101.451.000.6510.94
Other financial expenses-19.06- 130.68-6.43-5.34-2.41
Pre-tax profit1 721.231 626.332 176.791 502.823 103.75
Income taxes- 390.55- 361.31- 481.86- 343.43- 695.05
Net earnings1 330.681 265.021 694.931 159.392 408.70

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights677.34208.27208.27
Intangible assets total677.34208.27208.27
Machinery and equipment25.5893.0466.5343.1319.73
Tangible assets total38.54103.1273.7347.4521.17
Other receivables201.02201.02206.6059.0060.23
Investments total201.02201.02206.6059.0060.23
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors388.29179.841 342.641 796.221 124.52
Current other receivables1 212.69208.2721.9822.65
Current deferred tax assets3.772.
Short term receivables total392.061 394.711 553.181 821.311 152.21
Cash and bank deposits3 091.49974.402 112.111 787.323 426.85
Cash and cash equivalents3 091.49974.402 112.111 787.323 426.85
Balance sheet total (assets)3 723.113 350.583 945.623 923.364 868.72

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased1 300.001 345.001 700.001 200.002 500.00
Retained earnings- 746.18- 760.51-1 195.48- 700.55-2 041.16
Profit of the financial year1 330.681 265.021 694.931 159.392 408.70
Shareholders equity total2 384.492 349.522 699.452 158.843 367.54
Non-current liabilities total
Current owed to group member3.977.007.00173.82250.99
Short-term deferred tax liabilities356.23280.77339.72183.17537.36
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities978.41713.29899.451 407.52712.84
Current liabilities total1 338.611 001.061 246.161 764.521 501.19
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 723.113 350.583 945.623 923.364 868.72
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