Højgård Hestehospital Group A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 33783116
Rugårdsvej 696, 5462 Morud
tel: 65964888

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit18 817.7526 666.4224 388.2248 134.0449 085.27
Employee benefit expenses-12 363.86-14 775.10-18 155.21-38 120.72-43 464.36
Other operating expenses-2 722.14
Total depreciation-1 544.06-8 087.91- 723.42-7 637.30-8 026.62
EBIT4 909.841 081.275 509.592 376.02-2 405.71
Other financial income27.3041.1652.11177.71485.47
Other financial expenses- 299.40- 129.22- 149.46- 105.91-16.32
Net income from associates (fin.)503.711 199.1121 615.69
Pre-tax profit5 141.442 192.3327 027.932 447.83-1 936.56
Income taxes-1 014.05- 349.45- 825.03-63.15479.48
Net earnings4 127.391 842.8826 202.902 384.68-1 457.09

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill510.0047 492.4342 050.22
Intangible assets total510.0047 492.4342 050.22
Land and waters15 616.9110 133.50
Buildings746.562 272.482 042.22
Machinery and equipment4 212.701 568.962 064.075 797.376 743.85
Tangible assets total19 829.6111 702.462 810.648 069.858 786.07
Holdings in group member companies548.71884.1156 782.08
Participating interests465.73569.13
Other receivables663.38663.38
Investments total1 014.441 453.2456 782.08663.38663.38
Non-current other receivables525.00
Long term receivables total525.00
Raw materials and consumables883.40867.733 580.624 088.44
Finished products/goods819.36
Inventories total819.36883.40867.733 580.624 088.44
Current trade debtors3 603.612 557.324 453.069 025.6510 280.51
Current amounts owed by group member comp.264.81558.971 884.072 212.403 513.67
Current owed by particip. interest comp.545.00680.00
Prepayments and accrued income217.42
Current other receivables72.7580.74955.172 098.04517.09
Current deferred tax assets77.06414.37237.361 034.00833.88
Short term receivables total4 563.234 291.397 529.6614 370.0915 362.57
Cash and bank deposits3 280.858 453.717 176.0011 230.617 905.30
Cash and cash equivalents3 280.858 453.717 176.0011 230.617 905.30
Balance sheet total (assets)30 017.4926 784.2075 691.1185 406.9878 855.97

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital804.00804.00805.00805.00805.00
Share premium account6 488.006 488.00
Shares repurchased4 120.001 000.005 400.00
Other reserves6 689.01
Retained earnings- 964.623 162.7732 238.2364 130.1561 114.82
Profit of the financial year4 127.391 842.8826 202.902 384.68-1 457.09
Shareholders equity total14 574.7712 297.6665 935.1568 319.8265 862.74
Provisions965.723 558.00803.891 578.56
Capital loans3 461.12
Non-current loans from credit institutions5 818.745 437.10350.00
Non-current other liabilities133.35
Non-current deferred tax liabilities413.15
Non-current liabilities total9 413.215 850.25350.00
Current loans from credit institutions430.58406.11200.00
Current trade creditors728.82841.551 589.862 904.534 627.34
Current owed to participating50.00589.14
Current owed to group member720.576.03168.04
Short-term deferred tax liabilities614.60420.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities3 854.406 184.903 887.5312 402.716 619.30
Current liabilities total5 063.808 636.306 197.9615 933.2711 414.67
Balance sheet total (liabilities)30 017.4926 784.2075 691.1185 406.9878 855.97
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