RIKKE FRANTSEN INVEST ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 36397780
Bernstorffsgade 12, 9000 Aalborg

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit
Costs of management- 194.05- 185.05- 164.95- 167.86- 171.97
Costs of distribution-7.27
EBIT- 194.05- 185.05- 164.95- 175.13- 171.97
Other financial income461.56737.18238.521 810.442 673.93
Other financial expenses-3.09-3.16-1 195.20-0.65
Net income from associates (fin.)11.7454.96144.2263.3030.21
Pre-tax profit276.16603.93- 977.401 698.612 531.52
Income taxes-40.03- 121.40279.41- 278.28- 458.82
Net earnings236.13482.53- 697.991 420.332 072.70

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies24.2479.20223.41286.72316.93
Investments total24.2479.20223.41286.72316.93
Non-current loans receivable140.00140.00140.00140.00140.00
Long term receivables total140.00140.00140.00140.00140.00
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 815.592 836.946 878.626 924.207 189.85
Current other receivables9.88
Current deferred tax assets22.82314.67
Short term receivables total2 848.302 836.947 193.296 924.207 189.85
Other current investments19 612.5120 068.3014 807.9814 551.6317 669.54
Cash and bank deposits645.91569.75128.972 082.58771.35
Cash and cash equivalents20 258.4320 638.0514 936.9516 634.2018 440.90
Balance sheet total (assets)23 270.9623 694.1822 493.6623 985.1226 087.68

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased110.60400.00114.40117.80
Other reserves11.7466.70210.91274.22186.63
Retained earnings22 772.3822 553.5622 777.4722 016.1723 288.49
Profit of the financial year236.13482.53- 697.991 420.332 072.70
Shareholders equity total23 180.8523 552.7922 454.7923 760.7225 715.62
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors15.0015.00
Current owed to group member7.72
Short-term deferred tax liabilities6.5687.3598.08333.78
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities75.8354.0538.86111.3123.29
Current liabilities total90.11141.4038.86224.40372.06
Balance sheet total (liabilities)23 270.9623 694.1822 493.6623 985.1226 087.68
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