GisTalk ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38677896
Rødslet 13, 9430 Vadum
tel: 23739692

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales294.0432.81
Gross profit284.41247.6218.52-13.59-17.70
Costs of management-46.42-14.29-13.59-17.70
Other financial income44.15193.25- 170.81132.17172.42
Other financial expenses-4.75-4.12-3.03-0.26-0.72
Pre-tax profit323.81436.75- 155.31118.33153.99
Income taxes-74.91-96.0834.18-26.08-33.97
Net earnings248.90340.66- 121.1392.24120.02

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors40.88101.58
Current other receivables23.0613.0614.86
Short term receivables total40.88101.5823.0613.0614.86
Other current investments1 402.491 925.441 618.351 692.471 677.18
Cash and bank deposits440.7778.91130.2641.0787.42
Cash and cash equivalents1 843.262 004.351 748.611 733.531 764.59
Balance sheet total (assets)1 884.142 105.931 771.671 746.591 779.45

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital183.17183.17183.17183.17183.17
Shares repurchased113.00110.00110.00110.00110.00
Retained earnings1 206.271 345.171 575.831 344.691 326.94
Profit of the financial year248.90340.66- 121.1392.24120.02
Shareholders equity total1 751.331 978.991 747.861 730.101 740.12
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors9.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities11.9149.0815.87
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities111.8977.8523.8116.4923.46
Current liabilities total132.80126.9323.8116.4939.33
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 884.142 105.931 771.671 746.591 779.45
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