Norm Invest Fondsmæglerselskab A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 37226939
Applebys Plads 7, 1411 København K
tel: 71969628

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales1 743.074 458.60
Other operating income206.21
External services-5 386.82-11 443.75
Gross profit-3 439.86-10 949.25
Employee benefit expenses-3 190.74-4 571.67
Other operating expenses-2.31-3 964.10
Total depreciation-10.56-17.90
EBIT-6 641.16-15 538.81
Other financial expenses-40.82-66.98
Pre-tax profit-6 681.97-15 605.80
Income taxes383.01307.16
Net earnings-6 298.96-15 298.64

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights1 396.19
Intangible assets total1 396.19
Other tangible assets13.0699.16
Tangible assets total13.0699.16
Other non-current investments24.0060.00
Investments total24.0060.00
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors206.25430.85
Current other receivables-7 286.22481.1748 061.72
Current deferred tax assets383.01307.16
Short term receivables total-7 286.221 070.4348 799.73
Cash and bank deposits7 286.2210 512.711 090.10
Cash and cash equivalents7 286.2210 512.711 090.10
Balance sheet total (assets)11 620.2051 445.17

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 594.422 081.15
Other reserves7 726.398 407.8347 165.06
Retained earnings6 298.9615 298.64
Profit of the financial year-6 298.96-15 298.64
Shareholders equity total7 726.3910 002.2649 246.22
Non-current other liabilities243.79211.00
Non-current liabilities total243.79211.00
Current loans from credit institutions59.44
Current trade creditors909.161 222.04
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities-7 726.39464.99706.48
Current liabilities total-7 726.391 374.151 987.96
Balance sheet total (liabilities)11 620.2051 445.17
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