MEDCARE SYSTEMS ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31849942
Ørstedvej 23, Jels 6630 Rødding
tel: 75567695

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit105.371 287.58384.8511.57428.06
Employee benefit expenses- 545.19- 335.94-1 139.90- 190.75- 199.31
Total depreciation-48.47-94.15- 131.79-84.86-25.54
EBIT- 488.29857.49- 886.84- 264.04203.21
Other financial income0.1310.8211.471.07
Other financial expenses-11.40-2.61-11.46-73.98-77.23
Pre-tax profit- 499.57865.70- 886.84- 338.03127.04
Income taxes108.9823.03-19.7769.52-23.44
Net earnings- 390.59888.72- 906.60- 268.51103.61

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment170.83102.50266.00
Tangible assets total132.12242.97145.8115.39269.85
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods708.64750.51492.63755.26293.89
Advance payments616.14
Inventories total708.64750.511 108.78755.26293.89
Current trade debtors424.54352.52195.38330.71209.88
Prepayments and accrued income30.8026.4829.9125.2520.43
Current other receivables524.370.10
Current deferred tax assets121.62144.64124.88194.40170.96
Short term receivables total576.961 048.01350.17550.36401.37
Cash and bank deposits601.441 489.281 092.69886.431 301.94
Cash and cash equivalents601.441 489.281 092.69886.431 301.94
Balance sheet total (assets)2 019.153 530.772 697.452 207.452 267.05

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased55.3056.5057.2058.9061.00
Retained earnings856.92409.831 241.35275.85-53.66
Profit of the financial year- 390.59888.72- 906.60- 268.51103.61
Shareholders equity total646.631 480.05516.95191.24235.95
Non-current other liabilities18.31
Non-current liabilities total18.31
Current trade creditors45.5984.75147.03216.93300.69
Current owed to participating372.25415.531 207.821 185.83
Current owed to group member209.21171.34204.69260.81263.76
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities727.151 794.631 413.26330.66280.82
Current liabilities total1 354.212 050.722 180.502 016.212 031.10
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 019.153 530.772 697.452 207.452 267.05
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