Christianiaship A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 43339370
Amerika Plads 38, 2100 København Ø

Income statement (kUSD)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales15 754.0032 238.00
Other operating income8 542.00
Purchases during the financial year-7 408.00-19 617.00
External services- 125.00- 726.00
Gross profit8 221.0020 437.00
Total depreciation-1 855.00-4 771.00
EBIT6 366.0015 666.00
Other financial income25.00340.00
Other financial expenses-1 075.00-3 583.00
Pre-tax profit5 316.0012 423.00
Income taxes2.009.00
Net earnings5 318.0012 432.00

Assets (kUSD)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment45 187.0060 210.00
Advance payments and construction in progress983.00
Tangible assets total45 187.0061 193.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables48.0090.00
Inventories total48.0090.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.263.00
Prepayments and accrued income1 066.001 448.00
Current other receivables3.0070.00
Current deferred tax assets2.0011.00
Short term receivables total1 071.001 792.00
Cash and bank deposits6 341.0013 305.00
Cash and cash equivalents6 341.0013 305.00
Balance sheet total (assets)52 647.0076 380.00

Equity and liabilities (kUSD)

Share capital56.0056.00
Retained earnings6 712.0022 096.00
Profit of the financial year5 318.0012 432.00
Shareholders equity total12 086.0034 584.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions31 059.0029 548.00
Non-current leasing loans320.00302.00
Non-current liabilities total31 379.0029 850.00
Current loans from credit institutions6 516.006 360.00
Current trade creditors736.004 982.00
Current owed to group member1 224.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities706.00604.00
Current liabilities total9 182.0011 946.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)52 647.0076 380.00
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