LPM PRODUCTION A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32830080
Energivej 34, 6870 Ølgod

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit27 631.0026 987.0034 903.0033 142.0037 792.00
Employee benefit expenses-25 310.00-20 213.00-23 814.00-24 103.00-25 302.00
Total depreciation-3 610.00-3 975.00-5 298.00-3 957.00-6 352.00
EBIT-1 289.002 799.005 791.005 082.006 138.00
Other financial income8.004.004.00
Other financial expenses-16.00- 457.00- 259.00- 482.00-1 122.00
Net income from associates (fin.)-92.00497.00
Pre-tax profit-1 297.002 342.005 532.004 512.005 517.00
Income taxes284.00- 516.00-1 219.00-1 002.00-1 153.00
Net earnings-1 013.001 826.004 313.003 510.004 364.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights983.00515.00132.00
Intangible assets total983.00515.00132.00
Buildings23 300.0020 226.0024 575.0028 722.0029 656.00
Machinery and equipment665.00316.00188.00905.002 101.00
Tangible assets total23 965.0020 542.0024 763.0029 627.0031 757.00
Holdings in group member companies322.00
Investments total322.00
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products1 175.00
Raw materials and consumables1 419.001 213.001 724.002 511.002 442.00
Finished products/goods5 108.005 353.008 188.009 861.0010 304.00
Inventories total7 702.006 566.009 912.0012 372.0012 746.00
Current trade debtors8 968.009 302.008 660.0011 019.0014 550.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.96.0096.00735.00564.00
Current owed by particip. interest comp.313.00
Prepayments and accrued income696.00754.00548.00662.00735.00
Current other receivables176.001 137.001 408.00335.00339.00
Current deferred tax assets93.0046.00
Short term receivables total10 029.0011 335.0011 351.0012 580.0015 937.00
Other current investments10.0010.0010.0010.0010.00
Cash and bank deposits1.00157.001 656.00121.00304.00
Cash and cash equivalents11.00167.001 666.00131.00314.00
Balance sheet total (assets)42 690.0039 125.0047 824.0054 710.0061 076.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.00
Shares repurchased1 500.002 000.004 500.00
Other reserves767.00401.00402.00402.00-4 186.00
Retained earnings12 973.0010 826.0010 652.0014 965.0014 056.00
Profit of the financial year-1 013.001 826.004 313.003 510.004 364.00
Shareholders equity total13 727.0015 553.0018 367.0019 877.0019 734.00
Provisions901.001 463.001 747.002 240.002 073.00
Non-current leasing loans12 522.0010 003.0012 502.0015 495.0016 308.00
Non-current other liabilities289.00763.00766.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities776.00803.00
Non-current liabilities total12 811.0010 766.0013 268.0016 271.0017 111.00
Current loans from credit institutions5 613.001 920.003 278.007 421.009 369.00
Advances received83.00
Current trade creditors4 600.003 883.005 548.006 913.008 036.00
Current owed to group member1 566.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities935.00509.001 320.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities4 958.005 385.004 618.001 419.001 867.00
Accruals and deferred income80.0072.0063.0060.00
Current liabilities total15 251.0011 343.0014 442.0016 322.0022 158.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)42 690.0039 125.0047 824.0054 710.0061 076.00
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