RIBEEGNENS DYRLÆGER A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 25802446
Industrivej 30 B, 6760 Ribe
tel: 75410299

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit18 949.0020 540.0022 961.3621 803.8522 673.64
Employee benefit expenses-13 716.00-14 978.00-16 067.87-16 482.20-17 100.95
Total depreciation- 945.00- 937.00-1 027.31- 554.31- 473.22
EBIT4 288.004 625.005 866.174 767.345 099.47
Other financial income30.0034.0034.6441.5458.79
Other financial expenses-31.00-56.00-54.48-30.45-26.05
Pre-tax profit4 287.004 603.005 846.334 778.435 132.21
Income taxes- 961.00-1 013.00-1 288.41-1 053.91-1 133.79
Net earnings3 326.003 590.004 557.923 724.523 998.41

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters1 647.001 376.001 227.421 110.37993.41
Machinery and equipment1 376.001 439.001 123.05706.89455.63
Tangible assets total3 023.002 815.002 350.471 817.261 449.04
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Long term receivables total50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Raw materials and consumables1 350.001 478.001 636.611 477.151 462.09
Inventories total1 350.001 478.001 636.611 477.151 462.09
Current trade debtors2 517.002 423.002 428.702 334.352 337.07
Prepayments and accrued income57.0088.0036.1648.3816.23
Current other receivables333.00523.00246.95496.60188.25
Short term receivables total2 907.003 034.002 711.822 879.332 541.55
Cash and bank deposits2 510.005 310.003 473.262 637.573 818.33
Cash and cash equivalents2 510.005 310.003 473.262 637.573 818.33
Balance sheet total (assets)9 840.0012 687.0010 222.168 861.309 321.01

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital813.00813.00812.50812.50812.50
Shares repurchased3 312.003 590.004 560.003 725.004 000.00
Retained earnings-3 311.00-3 575.00-4 545.05-3 712.13-3 987.61
Profit of the financial year3 326.003 590.004 557.923 724.523 998.41
Shareholders equity total4 140.004 418.005 385.374 549.904 823.31
Non-current loans from credit institutions1 073.00361.00309.54262.26214.46
Non-current other liabilities508.001 083.00
Non-current liabilities total1 581.001 444.00309.54262.26214.46
Current loans from credit institutions124.0053.0052.4247.2848.40
Advances received8.00
Current trade creditors889.001 041.001 111.401 084.48950.17
Short-term deferred tax liabilities261.0063.0073.41157.8891.77
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 837.005 668.003 290.022 759.503 192.90
Current liabilities total4 119.006 825.004 527.254 049.154 283.23
Balance sheet total (liabilities)9 840.0012 687.0010 222.168 861.309 321.01
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