Agendatravel ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures
CVR number: 40314148
Telefonvej 6, 2860 Søborg
tel: 27280302
Income statement (kDKK)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Fiscal period length | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Net sales | |||||
Gross profit | 645.59 | 476.66 | 2 022.18 | 1 377.18 | 1 425.93 |
Employee benefit expenses | - 836.54 | - 231.66 | - 861.25 | - 801.75 | - 920.14 |
Other operating expenses | -39.98 | ||||
EBIT | - 190.95 | 245.00 | 1 160.94 | 535.45 | 505.78 |
Other financial income | 0.93 | 13.95 | 0.28 | ||
Other financial expenses | -58.66 | -60.70 | -69.14 | -71.37 | -17.48 |
Pre-tax profit | - 248.68 | 184.30 | 1 091.80 | 478.03 | 488.58 |
Income taxes | - 238.41 | - 149.39 | - 115.35 | ||
Net earnings | - 248.68 | 184.30 | 853.38 | 328.65 | 373.24 |
Assets (kDKK)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Intangible assets total | |||||
Tangible assets total | |||||
Investments total | |||||
Long term receivables total | |||||
Inventories total | |||||
Current trade debtors | 233.05 | 432.23 | 1 157.90 | 721.10 | 800.66 |
Prepayments and accrued income | 37.65 | 4.12 | 17.35 | 118.15 | 14.37 |
Current other receivables | 141.63 | 48.35 | 10.00 | ||
Short term receivables total | 270.71 | 436.34 | 1 316.89 | 887.59 | 825.03 |
Cash and bank deposits | 1 017.69 | 1 881.46 | 2 306.82 | 2 324.92 | 2 768.23 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 1 017.69 | 1 881.46 | 2 306.82 | 2 324.92 | 2 768.23 |
Balance sheet total (assets) | 1 288.39 | 2 317.81 | 3 623.71 | 3 212.51 | 3 593.26 |
Equity and liabilities (kDKK)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Share capital | 60.00 | 60.00 | 60.00 | 60.00 | 60.00 |
Retained earnings | - 248.68 | -64.38 | 789.00 | 1 117.65 | |
Profit of the financial year | - 248.68 | 184.30 | 853.38 | 328.65 | 373.24 |
Shareholders equity total | - 188.68 | -4.38 | 849.00 | 1 177.65 | 1 550.88 |
Capital loans | 1 000.00 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 525.00 |
Non-current other liabilities | 472.91 | ||||
Non-current deferred tax liabilities | 711.32 | 110.88 | 115.35 | ||
Non-current liabilities total | 1 000.00 | 1 372.91 | 1 611.32 | 1 010.88 | 640.35 |
Current loans from credit institutions | 30.00 | 382.99 | 802.65 | 177.29 | |
Advances received | 281.86 | 734.93 | 476.24 | 850.80 | |
Current trade creditors | 37.26 | 35.00 | 149.85 | 35.00 | 51.79 |
Current owed to group member | 45.30 | 43.69 | 43.69 | 72.92 | |
Short-term deferred tax liabilities | 116.50 | ||||
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities | 112.66 | 105.67 | 110.62 | 113.41 | 205.65 |
Current liabilities total | 477.08 | 949.28 | 1 163.38 | 1 023.99 | 1 402.03 |
Balance sheet total (liabilities) | 1 288.39 | 2 317.81 | 3 623.71 | 3 212.51 | 3 593.26 |
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