OPITEK ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 19300196
Gøngehusvej 252, 2950 Vedbæk
tel: 39661644

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 068.971 869.232 650.332 500.472 343.63
Employee benefit expenses-1 912.39-1 430.44-1 584.40-1 505.41-1 893.07
Other operating expenses-46.00
EBIT156.58484.791 065.93995.06450.56
Other financial income3.82-3.75
Other financial expenses-33.36-37.06-19.16-21.20-10.13
Pre-tax profit123.22447.721 046.77977.68436.68
Income taxes-28.51- 103.49- 239.65- 220.08- 103.61
Net earnings94.71344.23807.12757.60333.07

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods2 147.731 010.581 308.641 554.011 710.85
Inventories total2 147.731 010.581 308.641 554.011 710.85
Current trade debtors5 103.396 124.69909.68970.71882.26
Current other receivables30.9930.9930.9930.9930.99
Short term receivables total5 134.386 155.68940.671 001.70913.25
Cash and bank deposits1.990.792 208.812 118.242 139.81
Cash and cash equivalents1.990.792 208.812 118.242 139.81
Balance sheet total (assets)7 284.107 167.054 458.114 673.954 763.90

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased55.00150.00150.00150.00150.00
Retained earnings1 224.931 169.641 363.872 020.992 628.59
Profit of the financial year94.71344.23807.12757.60333.07
Shareholders equity total1 499.641 788.872 445.993 053.593 236.66
Non-current liabilities total
Current loans from credit institutions894.27319.8860.8277.6686.55
Current trade creditors2 819.822 679.17639.19613.86480.99
Current owed to group member852.3633.5134.85265.13
Short-term deferred tax liabilities28.51103.49239.65220.08103.61
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 189.502 275.631 038.96673.93590.98
Current liabilities total5 784.465 378.182 012.131 620.371 527.25
Balance sheet total (liabilities)7 284.107 167.054 458.114 673.954 763.90
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