WIZER ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32259790
Birkemose Allé 37, 6000 Kolding
tel: 71992230

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Costs of manufacturing-15 012.00
External services-1 129.00
Gross profit16 952.37-16 141.00-5 111.0024 274.00
Employee benefit expenses-4 352.12-6 730.00-12 606.00-54 294.00
Total depreciation-2 266.20-8 144.00-52 668.00-7 226.00
EBIT10 334.05-31 015.00-70 385.00-37 246.00
Other financial income38.00620.00
Other financial expenses-94.63-4 180.00-8 539.00
Pre-tax profit10 239.42-7 993.00-74 527.00-45 165.00
Income taxes-1 786.3616 112.006 256.00
Net earnings8 453.06-7 993.00-58 415.00-38 909.00

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure1 026.2888.003 100.00
Intangible rights394.57918.00511.00
Intangible assets total1 420.8688.00918.003 611.00
Machinery and equipment21 649.99151 748.0012 135.00
Other tangible assets124 501.00
Tangible assets total21 649.99124 501.00151 748.0012 135.00
Holdings in group member companies20 950.0017 957.00
Other non-current investments782.00
Other receivables324.04
Investments total324.04782.0020 950.0017 957.00
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.2 471.007 788.00
Long term receivables total2 471.007 788.00
Raw materials and consumables458.005 594.00
Inventories total458.005 594.00
Current trade debtors4 500.637 686.0021 112.00
Prepayments and accrued income1 654.52319.002 435.00
Current other receivables7 857.003 298.0032 832.00
Current deferred tax assets18 485.0027 630.00
Short term receivables total6 155.157 857.0029 788.0084 009.00
Cash and bank deposits1 457.61
Cash and cash equivalents1 457.61
Balance sheet total (assets)31 007.65133 228.00206 333.00131 094.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital4 125.0012 543.0012 543.00
Share premium account48 408.00
Other reserves7 217.00
Retained earnings1 677.32-1 066.00110 042.0051 627.00
Profit of the financial year8 453.06-7 993.00-58 415.00-38 909.00
Shareholders equity total14 255.3846 566.0064 170.0025 261.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions49 000.00
Non-current leasing loans8 207.009 573.00
Non-current other liabilities1 074.00
Non-current liabilities total9 281.0058 573.00
Current loans from credit institutions88 921.006 668.00
Advances received2 742.006 450.00
Current trade creditors7 686.675 174.006 674.00
Current owed to group member1 098.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities2 145.67
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities4 038.4920 684.0012 960.00
Accruals and deferred income2 273.7215 361.0013 410.00
Current liabilities total16 144.56132 882.0047 260.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)31 007.6546 566.00206 333.00131 094.00
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