BALLEGÅRD ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 36014946
Randersvej 587, Spørring 8380 Trige
tel: 86989324

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 904.402 622.542 558.143 175.451 087.28
Employee benefit expenses-69.42- 772.16- 827.91- 805.44- 691.41
Total depreciation- 766.34- 665.42- 668.99- 691.42- 698.82
Reduction in value of non-current assets299.73127.55- 381.23-18.56
EBIT2 068.651 184.961 061.241 678.59- 302.94
Other financial income389.0053.56320.6739.1058.62
Other financial expenses- 384.27- 423.67- 506.86- 202.78- 592.25
Net income from associates (fin.)13.2315.1122.77
Pre-tax profit2 073.38814.85888.291 530.01- 813.80
Income taxes- 340.31- 141.13- 117.43-1 030.66294.00
Net earnings1 733.06673.72770.86499.35- 519.80

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters22 653.1622 653.1622 653.1622 653.1622 653.16
Buildings9 178.458 844.848 218.848 145.727 462.70
Machinery and equipment211.07189.25168.26150.85135.06
Advance payments and construction in progress47.2047.2047.20
Tangible assets total32 042.6831 687.2531 087.4630 996.9330 298.11
Participating interests892.10893.31883.79913.70
Investments total892.10893.31883.79913.70
Non-current loans receivable2 996.990.11241.16241.05241.05
Non-current other receivables230.00194.00158.00122.00
Long term receivables total2 996.99230.11435.16399.06363.06
Semifinished products192.27145.84178.22201.79149.63
Raw materials and consumables129.40110.27130.46143.92152.76
Finished products/goods2 751.512 527.172 100.252 827.282 866.97
Inventories total3 073.182 783.292 408.923 173.003 169.37
Current trade debtors52.18317.34637.28403.4970.09
Current amounts owed by group member comp.15.74175.7918.71
Current owed by particip. interest comp.1.55
Prepayments and accrued income3.643.79
Current other receivables2.68332.8736.00128.4136.00
Short term receivables total54.86650.21689.02711.33130.14
Other current investments1 171.672 543.082 041.87
Cash and bank deposits2 873.502 105.193 506.414 323.561 981.82
Cash and cash equivalents4 045.174 648.273 506.414 323.564 023.69
Balance sheet total (assets)42 212.8840 891.2139 020.2940 487.6638 898.07

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Retained earnings16 869.5918 602.6519 276.3720 047.2420 546.59
Profit of the financial year1 733.06673.72770.86499.35- 519.80
Shareholders equity total18 652.6519 326.3720 097.2420 596.5920 076.79
Provisions2 551.002 489.002 433.003 232.002 938.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions16 601.2415 164.9713 339.0813 356.7213 356.72
Non-current owed to group member2 290.00
Non-current other liabilities2 302.672 690.782 423.131 999.39
Non-current liabilities total18 903.9117 855.7515 762.2115 356.1215 646.72
Current loans from credit institutions29.50
Current trade creditors715.2144.8021.75626.0161.00
Current owed to participating9.81
Current owed to group member825.11541.70
Short-term deferred tax liabilities222.03
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities564.99628.97676.59454.92163.81
Accruals and deferred income4.611.94
Current liabilities total2 105.311 220.08727.841 302.96236.55
Balance sheet total (liabilities)42 212.8840 891.2139 020.2940 487.6638 898.07
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