HØJBY SJÆLLAND BRUGSFORENING — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 65944316
Højby Stationsvej 8, 4573 Højby

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit19 994.1121 590.62
Employee benefit expenses-19 460.67-18 354.44
Total depreciation-1 221.38-1 258.86
EBIT- 687.931 977.32
Other financial income113.89388.25
Other financial expenses- 303.35- 722.50
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets357.80325.05
Net income from associates (fin.)290.75503.83
Pre-tax profit- 228.852 471.94
Income taxes144.26- 412.92
Net earnings-84.592 059.02

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters29 072.7929 022.37
Machinery and equipment3 227.312 799.13
Tangible assets total32 300.1031 821.50
Holdings in group member companies12 996.4013 492.63
Participating interests358.94343.74
Investments total13 355.3413 836.36
Non-current loans receivable1 484.601 484.60
Long term receivables total1 484.601 484.60
Finished products/goods6 117.965 313.94
Inventories total6 117.965 313.94
Current trade debtors537.52508.75
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 507.69181.77
Prepayments and accrued income46.6822.55
Current other receivables3 997.0411 316.26
Current deferred tax assets207.8898.15
Short term receivables total7 296.8112 127.49
Other current investments467.45424.94
Cash and bank deposits161.27267.93
Cash and cash equivalents628.72692.87
Balance sheet total (assets)61 183.5365 276.77

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital265.03230.62
Other reserves259.98756.21
Retained earnings29 310.8428 730.03
Profit of the financial year-84.592 059.02
Shareholders equity total29 751.2631 775.87
Provisions3 629.864 156.91
Non-current loans from credit institutions13 032.6212 316.13
Non-current deferred tax liabilities1 648.101 716.55
Non-current liabilities total14 680.7214 032.67
Current loans from credit institutions1 326.65763.02
Current trade creditors10 126.258 221.76
Current owed to group member3 414.10
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 668.792 912.43
Current liabilities total13 121.7015 311.31
Balance sheet total (liabilities)61 183.5365 276.77
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