CONNECTED WIND SERVICES A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31156270
Langs Skoven 37, 8541 Skødstrup

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12
Net sales191 308.21
Costs of manufacturing- 162 488.27
Gross profit28 819.95
Costs of management-1 223.29
EBIT-49 011.79
Other financial income771.52
Other financial expenses-3 476.61
Pre-tax profit-51 716.88
Income taxes-4 516.31
Net earnings-56 233.19

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights532.50
Goodwill78 369.17
Intangible assets total78 901.67
Land and waters11 822.45
Buildings9 903.14
Machinery and equipment3 299.91
Other tangible assets0.00
Tangible assets total25 025.50
Investments total
Non-current other receivables168.97
Long term receivables total168.97
Semifinished products3 225.86
Raw materials and consumables36 095.18
Finished products/goods39 430.47
Inventories total78 751.51
Current trade debtors20 096.70
Prepayments and accrued income1 655.07
Current other receivables6 787.59
Current deferred tax assets360.77
Short term receivables total28 900.13
Cash and bank deposits8 637.13
Cash and cash equivalents8 637.13
Balance sheet total (assets)220 384.90

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital10 943.83
Retained earnings124 494.97
Profit of the financial year-56 233.19
Shareholders equity total79 205.61
Provisions4 139.39
Non-current leasing loans679.80
Non-current owed to group member97 529.42
Non-current liabilities total98 209.23
Current loans from credit institutions1 945.65
Advances received1 834.28
Current trade creditors12 317.98
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities22 732.77
Current liabilities total38 830.68
Balance sheet total (liabilities)220 384.90
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