TDC NET A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40075267
Teglholmsgade 1, 2450 København SV

Income statement (mDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales7 050.006 828.006 674.006 639.006 461.00
Other operating income240.00248.00260.00272.00378.00
Costs of manufacturing- 462.00- 381.00- 318.00- 262.00- 236.00
External services-1 434.00-1 305.00-1 139.00-1 102.00- 914.00
Gross profit6 588.006 447.006 356.006 377.006 225.00
Employee benefit expenses- 979.00- 956.00- 979.00-1 027.00- 994.00
Other operating expenses-76.00-39.00-96.00-50.00-78.00
Total depreciation-3 296.00-2 986.00-2 366.00-2 491.00-2 926.00
EBIT1 043.001 409.002 036.001 979.001 691.00
Other financial income411.00
Other financial expenses- 581.00- 605.00- 652.00-1 898.00
Pre-tax profit462.00804.001 384.002 390.00- 207.00
Income taxes-98.00- 200.00- 344.00- 472.00- 157.00
Net earnings364.00604.001 040.001 918.00- 364.00

Assets (mDKK)

Intangible rights11 101.0011 047.0011 599.0011 726.0011 377.00
Intangible assets total11 101.0011 047.0011 599.0011 726.0011 377.00
Advance payments and construction in progress30.0021.00
Other tangible assets14 912.0015 884.0016 739.0017 439.0017 757.00
Tangible assets total14 912.0015 884.0016 739.0017 469.0017 778.00
Participating interests2.00
Other non-current investments2.002.0032.0023.00
Investments total2.002.002.0032.0023.00
Non-curr. owed by particip. interest comp.2 114.001 438.00
Non-current other receivables25.0025.0026.0027.0027.00
Long term receivables total25.0025.0026.002 141.001 465.00
Inventories total39.0043.0043.0033.0033.00
Current trade debtors512.00532.00396.00365.00379.00
Current owed by particip. interest comp.1 038.00
Prepayments and accrued income193.00160.00184.00195.00196.00
Current other receivables3.00886.001 243.001 045.001 114.00
Fair value of financial assets1 174.00496.00
Short term receivables total1 746.001 578.001 823.002 779.002 185.00
Cash and bank deposits1.004.0012.002 240.001 855.00
Cash and cash equivalents1.004.0012.002 240.001 855.00
Balance sheet total (assets)27 826.0028 583.0030 244.0036 420.0034 716.00

Equity and liabilities (mDKK)

Retained earnings7 788.008 152.008 756.001 046.002 231.00
Profit of the financial year364.00604.001 040.001 918.00- 364.00
Shareholders equity total8 152.008 756.009 796.002 964.001 867.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions14 035.0014 043.0010 526.0022 275.0020 298.00
Non-current leasing loans1 333.001 115.001 027.001 036.00672.00
Non-current other liabilities47.00129.001 914.001 777.001 557.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities299.00235.00354.00451.00499.00
Non-current liabilities total15 979.0015 853.0014 165.0025 848.0023 315.00
Current loans from credit institutions91.0030.002 186.003 583.005 105.00
Current leasing loans280.00286.00286.00296.00352.00
Current trade creditors1 926.002 522.002 086.001 941.001 778.00
Current owed to group member569.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities268.00110.00174.00147.0022.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities296.00825.001 058.001 149.001 638.00
Current provisions21.0019.0016.0019.0033.00
Accruals and deferred income244.00182.00477.00473.00606.00
Current liabilities total3 695.003 974.006 283.007 608.009 534.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)27 826.0028 583.0030 244.0036 420.0034 716.00
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