Keyser Aarhus ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42399477
Frue Kirkeplads 4, 8000 Aarhus C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit3 851.318 924.5511 280.87
Employee benefit expenses-3 087.15-6 334.43-6 753.99
Total depreciation- 210.56- 547.32- 499.48
EBIT553.602 042.804 027.40
Other financial income10.1885.72
Other financial expenses-15.63-22.54-13.01
Pre-tax profit537.972 030.454 100.11
Income taxes- 118.47- 446.81- 902.02
Net earnings419.501 583.643 198.09

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment1 775.281 414.071 102.01
Tangible assets total2 520.121 997.791 540.11
Investments total
Non-current other receivables525.00538.63538.63
Long term receivables total525.00538.63538.63
Finished products/goods273.96215.28246.40
Inventories total273.96215.28246.40
Current trade debtors173.64458.17419.30
Current amounts owed by group member comp.0.890.96242.67
Prepayments and accrued income37.59322.591.86
Current other receivables58.48
Short term receivables total212.11781.72722.32
Cash and bank deposits1 780.821 228.714 052.06
Cash and cash equivalents1 780.821 228.714 052.06
Balance sheet total (assets)5 312.014 762.137 099.52

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.0040.00
Shares repurchased1 000.003 100.00
Retained earnings- 580.50-2 096.86
Profit of the financial year419.501 583.643 198.09
Shareholders equity total459.502 043.144 241.22
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors531.40952.59458.27
Current owed to group member3 162.27175.95215.10
Short-term deferred tax liabilities15.19388.29984.14
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 040.371 040.381 121.11
Current liabilities total4 749.232 557.202 778.61
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 312.014 762.137 099.52
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