Badmodul A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42062871
Industriholmen 31, 2650 Hvidovre

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit9 651.6314 398.3716 054.7815 191.87
Employee benefit expenses-20 605.06-11 686.67-12 634.43-12 051.02
Total depreciation-6 002.36- 544.10- 526.01- 689.47
EBIT-16 955.792 167.612 894.342 451.38
Other financial income2.27143.464.45
Other financial expenses- 491.19- 414.14- 456.87- 297.49
Pre-tax profit-17 446.981 755.742 580.932 158.34
Income taxes2 548.00148.32- 391.46- 488.43
Net earnings-14 898.981 904.062 189.461 669.91

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings2 800.771 681.841 312.55996.90
Machinery and equipment533.46560.02962.00668.08
Tangible assets total3 334.232 241.862 274.551 664.98
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables1 178.44916.61659.29587.67
Inventories total1 178.44916.61659.29587.67
Current trade debtors2 112.51502.751 247.44552.41
Prepayments and accrued income90.05141.53221.09292.21
Current other receivables39.8820.89231.43145.20
Current deferred tax assets2 731.37533.05440.54332.80
Short term receivables total4 973.821 198.222 140.501 322.62
Cash and bank deposits31.9526.5416.05
Cash and cash equivalents31.9526.5416.05
Balance sheet total (assets)9 518.434 383.235 090.403 575.26

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital400.00400.00400.00400.00
Retained earnings-14 182.57-12 278.51-10 089.05
Profit of the financial year-14 898.981 904.062 189.461 669.91
Shareholders equity total-14 498.98-11 878.51-9 689.05-8 019.14
Non-current leasing loans2 896.461 315.98769.22406.49
Non-current owed to group member1 798.106 589.554 322.002 313.25
Non-current other liabilities1 482.35261.72
Non-current deferred tax liabilities1 217.212 027.632 313.19
Non-current liabilities total6 176.919 384.467 118.855 032.93
Current loans from credit institutions1 763.971 351.351 921.521 596.80
Advances received2 456.871 564.572 228.431 856.08
Current trade creditors2 195.351 018.121 152.571 018.59
Current owed to participating261.72
Current owed to group member5 177.57
Short-term deferred tax liabilities132.09298.96380.69
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities6 063.382 271.701 998.261 650.89
Accruals and deferred income34.87
Current liabilities total17 657.136 634.427 599.726 503.05
Balance sheet total (liabilities)9 518.434 383.235 090.403 575.26
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