FUNDER HANSEN HOLDING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31190932
Frisdals Allé 11, Valsgaard 9500 Hobro

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-11.99-12.27- 195.01- 401.48-43.24
EBIT-11.99-12.27- 195.01- 401.48-43.24
Other financial income831.101 304.83132.211 130.50
Other financial expenses-2.62-13.25-22.30- 738.70-11.72
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets- 182.59
Net income from associates (fin.)1 560.891 738.311 571.9810 733.18
Pre-tax profit1 363.682 543.902 659.499 725.221 075.54
Income taxes42.94- 177.84- 261.05137.39- 239.09
Net earnings1 406.622 366.062 398.449 862.60836.45

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Participating interests4 695.035 347.615 666.82
Investments total4 695.035 347.615 666.82
Non-current loans receivable3 440.88
Long term receivables total3 440.88
Inventories total
Current other receivables465.82
Current deferred tax assets125.1041.36158.6436.53
Short term receivables total125.1041.36465.82158.6436.53
Other current investments3 844.595 420.029 828.7519 064.98
Cash and bank deposits921.232 280.272 814.5213 721.384 188.59
Cash and cash equivalents921.236 124.868 234.5423 550.1323 253.56
Balance sheet total (assets)9 182.2411 513.8314 367.1823 708.7723 290.09

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased110.60113.00114.401 000.00500.00
Other reserves2 365.652 851.204 424.12
Retained earnings5 140.965 949.046 627.7712 450.3321 812.93
Profit of the financial year1 406.622 366.062 398.449 862.60836.45
Shareholders equity total9 148.8411 404.2913 689.7323 437.9323 274.38
Non-current deferred tax liabilities74.87262.64
Non-current liabilities total74.87262.64
Current trade creditors7.50352.277.5015.00
Current owed to participating27.070.660.680.71
Short-term deferred tax liabilities61.88262.66
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities33.410.10
Current liabilities total33.4134.67414.81270.8415.71
Balance sheet total (liabilities)9 182.2411 513.8314 367.1823 708.7723 290.09
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