ANTHON OVESEN. SKØRPING A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 43506714
Møldrupvej 6, 9520 Skørping

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Other operating income273.18116.14
Gross profit1 319.692 241.162 211.932 546.862 406.34
Employee benefit expenses-2 537.99-2 532.76-2 085.09-2 403.50-2 489.99
Total depreciation- 174.73- 158.50- 156.86- 119.80- 192.27
EBIT-1 119.86- 333.95-30.0123.56- 275.92
Other financial income6.6969.0322.24121.5427.96
Other financial expenses- 236.09-49.09- 137.32-38.89- 101.62
Pre-tax profit-1 349.25- 314.02- 145.10106.21- 349.58
Income taxes93.5840.08
Net earnings-1 255.68- 273.94- 145.10106.21- 349.58

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters1 153.471 094.161 048.771 048.771 010.13
Machinery and equipment206.67255.55231.64317.23271.44
Tangible assets total1 360.141 349.701 280.401 366.001 281.57
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables547.59447.59438.11464.33402.39
Finished products/goods741.27569.12655.29555.62491.31
Inventories total1 288.861 016.711 093.401 019.95893.70
Current trade debtors198.1986.13119.83122.11230.52
Prepayments and accrued income105.4260.2179.2765.4166.38
Current other receivables49.80
Current deferred tax assets96.65136.7340.0840.0840.08
Short term receivables total400.26283.07239.19227.61386.79
Other current investments686.99747.21688.65768.32695.31
Cash and bank deposits3 824.474 163.083 583.193 807.763 147.09
Cash and cash equivalents4 511.464 910.294 271.844 576.083 842.40
Balance sheet total (assets)7 560.717 559.766 884.837 189.646 404.46

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Share premium account600.00
Retained earnings1 064.71- 190.97- 464.91- 610.0096.20
Profit of the financial year-1 255.68- 273.94- 145.10106.21- 349.58
Shareholders equity total309.0335.09- 110.01596.20246.63
Non-current owed to group member5 814.955 237.00
Non-current liabilities total5 814.955 237.00
Current loans from credit institutions3.593.59
Current trade creditors247.80327.88242.62369.50364.79
Current owed to group member6 454.356 448.756 393.91
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities545.93744.46358.31408.99556.04
Current liabilities total7 251.687 524.676 994.84778.48920.83
Balance sheet total (liabilities)7 560.717 559.766 884.837 189.646 404.46
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