Wittendorff Holding ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38170872
Østre Boulevard 17, 4930 Maribo

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-5.76-6.76-9.16-6.55-6.66
Other financial income3.6283.270.9481.95104.96
Other financial expenses-30.62-1.17-62.12-0.47-0.12
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets549.222 346.261 743.562 943.943 637.43
Net income from associates (fin.)53.1188.1752.47299.36377.71
Pre-tax profit569.562 509.771 725.693 318.234 113.32
Income taxes-5.8315.47-16.53-23.56
Net earnings569.562 503.941 741.163 301.704 089.76

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Participating interests153.11261.2863.74375.10452.81
Investments total153.11261.2863.74375.10452.81
Non-current loans receivable1 549.223 795.485 039.037 182.989 639.43
Long term receivables total1 549.223 795.485 039.037 182.989 639.43
Inventories total
Current owed by particip. interest comp.600.00600.00
Current other receivables0.18150.18226.17
Current deferred tax assets0.1815.47
Short term receivables total0.1815.65750.18826.17
Other current investments491.71574.98615.16701.91803.08
Cash and bank deposits317.0989.16428.64330.98732.91
Cash and cash equivalents808.80664.141 043.811 032.891 535.98
Balance sheet total (assets)2 511.314 720.906 162.249 341.1512 454.40

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased300.00300.00117.801 000.001 000.00
Other reserves141.2843.74343.10420.82
Retained earnings1 586.751 715.034 198.704 640.516 864.49
Profit of the financial year569.562 503.941 741.163 301.704 089.76
Shareholders equity total2 506.314 710.256 151.419 335.3112 425.07
Non-current liabilities total
Short-term deferred tax liabilities5.655.830.8424.33
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities5.
Current liabilities total5.0010.6510.835.8429.33
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 511.314 720.906 162.249 341.1512 454.40
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