RIMAC CONSULT ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 35378294
Vangede Bygade 77, 2820 Gentofte
tel: 26252531

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit24.8751.0911.04178.66421.86
Employee benefit expenses-30.13-62.93-53.07- 165.00- 465.33
Other financial expenses-0.29-0.27-0.12-0.00-2.24
Pre-tax profit-5.55-12.11-42.1513.66-45.57
Income taxes-0.631.385.80-6.952.71
Net earnings-6.18-10.73-36.346.71-42.86

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies-0.0040.00
Other receivables0.00
Investments total40.00
Deferred tax assets19.9221.30
Long term receivables total19.9221.30
Inventories total
Current owed by particip. interest comp.2.002.00
Current other receivables0.91-0.00
Current deferred tax assets27.1020.1522.86
Short term receivables total2.002.0028.0120.1522.86
Cash and bank deposits19.0313.973.638.604.03
Cash and cash equivalents19.0313.973.638.604.03
Balance sheet total (assets)40.9537.2731.6428.7566.89

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Retained earnings-75.58-81.75-92.49- 128.83- 122.12
Profit of the financial year-6.18-10.73-36.346.71-42.86
Shareholders equity total-1.75-12.49-48.83-42.12-84.99
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors2.93
Current owed to participating22.9723.0878.2223.2224.30
Current owed to group member18.39
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities19.7323.752.2547.66109.18
Current liabilities total42.7049.7680.4770.88151.87
Balance sheet total (liabilities)40.9537.2731.6428.7566.89
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