INDUSTRI UDVIKLING II K/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 10156254
Nørre Søgade 35, 1370 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Other operating income192.00160.0060.00171.0076.00
External services- 406.00- 323.00- 125.00- 166.00
Gross profit192.00- 246.00- 263.0046.00-90.00
Employee benefit expenses-2 291.00-1 635.00-1 552.00- 452.00- 436.00
Other operating expenses- 464.00
EBIT39 272.00-1 881.00-1 588.00- 406.00- 526.00
Other financial income333.00303.00165.0060.00146.00
Other financial expenses-33.00-21.0045.00-5.00-56.00
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets41 502.00
Net income from associates (fin.)2 114.0062.002 353.008 024.00
Pre-tax profit39 239.00536.00-1 633.001 947.007 498.00
Income taxes-21.0055.0090.00
Net earnings39 239.00515.00-1 633.002 002.007 588.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies600.00
Participating interests137 350.0033 628.0033 628.0011 792.00
Investments total137 350.0034 228.0033 628.0011 792.00
Non-current loans receivable138 202.00
Non-current other receivables12 699.001 200.003 367.00
Long term receivables total150 901.001 200.003 367.00
Inventories total
Current owed by particip. interest comp.415.00113.00132.00380.002 643.00
Prepayments and accrued income70.0069.0031.0014.0016.00
Current other receivables296.0011 294.004 228.003 677.007 141.00
Short term receivables total781.0011 476.004 391.004 071.009 800.00
Cash and bank deposits3 284.004 202.001 738.004 659.0025 650.00
Cash and cash equivalents3 284.004 202.001 738.004 659.0025 650.00
Balance sheet total (assets)154 966.00154 228.0040 357.0042 358.0050 609.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital300 500.00300 500.00300 500.00300 500.00300 500.00
Asset revaluation reserve88 131.0086 746.00
Retained earnings- 283 179.00- 243 940.00- 260 425.00- 262 058.00- 260 056.00
Profit of the financial year39 239.00515.00-1 633.002 002.007 588.00
Shareholders equity total144 691.00143 821.0038 442.0040 444.0048 032.00
Non-current liabilities total
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities10 275.0010 407.001 915.001 914.002 577.00
Current liabilities total10 275.0010 407.001 915.001 914.002 577.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)154 966.00154 228.0040 357.0042 358.0050 609.00
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