Yusata Invest Holding ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39175460
Middelfartgade 14 B, 2100 København Ø
tel: 31197826

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit130 436.76-38.0032.00479.00- 182.00
Employee benefit expenses-76 596.51-1 343.00- 660.00-1 513.00-2 058.00
Other operating expenses- 143.83
Total depreciation-2 126.57- 136.00- 267.00
EBIT51 569.85-1 517.00- 895.00-1 034.00-2 240.00
Other financial income2 588.02527.007 826.0026 356.003 416.00
Other financial expenses- 619.07-82.00-69 133.00-1 607.00- 164.00
Net income from associates (fin.)51 833.002 326 250.00
Pre-tax profit53 538.8050 761.002 264 048.0023 715.001 012.00
Income taxes-8 017.8442.009 462.00-12 045.00
Net earnings45 520.9650 803.002 273 510.0011 670.001 012.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights1 362.12
Intangible assets total1 362.12
Land and waters10 327.009 778.00
Buildings6 770.24
Machinery and equipment3 726.86106.00
Advance payments and construction in progress110 472.591 206.00
Tangible assets total120 969.6910 433.0010 984.00
Holdings in group member companies120 655.00
Other receivables27.33
Investments total27.33120 655.00
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products4 803.03
Raw materials and consumables11 420.26
Finished products/goods24 238.54
Inventories total40 461.83
Current trade debtors5 634.99
Prepayments and accrued income5 220.47
Current other receivables9 984.0027.0019 144.00415.00
Current deferred tax assets86.7542.0012 031.00
Short term receivables total20 926.2169.0031 175.00415.00
Other current investments2 166 947.0029 764.00
Cash and bank deposits62 638.2727 017.00194 202.0077 004.001 468.00
Cash and cash equivalents62 638.2727 017.002 361 149.0077 004.0031 232.00
Balance sheet total (assets)246 385.44158 174.002 403 308.0077 004.0031 647.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00
Shares repurchased8 600.0034 869.002 338 000.0040 000.00
Other reserves-7 825.93117 580.00-34 869.00-2 338 000.00-40 000.00
Retained earnings88 700.62-10 461.00123 053.0058 563.0030 233.00
Profit of the financial year45 520.9650 803.002 273 510.0011 670.001 012.00
Minority interest (BS)58 384.22
Shareholders equity total193 479.88158 022.002 396 663.0070 333.0031 345.00
Provisions20 396.24
Non-current loans from credit institutions6 298.00
Non-current liabilities total6 298.00
Current loans from credit institutions176.006 340.00
Current trade creditors20 741.73
Current owed to group member14.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities14.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities11 767.60152.00171.00317.00288.00
Current liabilities total32 509.33152.00347.006 671.00302.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)246 385.44158 174.002 403 308.0077 004.0031 647.00
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