CARECON ApS - BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31935792
Trapholtparken 1, Strandhuse 6000 Kolding
tel: 75521830

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit3 920.002 286.003 225.001 481.00-1 160.21
Employee benefit expenses-1 957.00- 683.00-1 028.00-1 064.00- 415.27
Other operating expenses- 357.00
Total depreciation- 409.00- 490.00- 555.00- 586.00- 787.13
EBIT1 554.001 113.001 285.00- 169.00-2 362.61
Other financial income3.006.0010.0074.0035.93
Other financial expenses- 218.00- 166.00-27.00-28.00-41.79
Pre-tax profit1 339.00953.001 268.00- 123.00-2 368.47
Income taxes- 323.00- 241.00- 312.00-47.00468.66
Net earnings1 016.00712.00956.00- 170.00-1 899.81

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure270.00288.00331.001 460.001 022.98
Intangible rights1 105.00935.00765.00620.00500.00
Intangible assets total2 273.002 011.001 774.002 648.001 981.31
Machinery and equipment371.00398.00214.00122.0083.69
Tangible assets total371.00398.00214.00122.00758.68
Other receivables15.0076.50
Investments total15.0076.50
Non-current other receivables15.0015.0015.00
Long term receivables total15.0015.0015.00
Finished products/goods22.00133.00
Advance payments573.00
Inventories total595.00133.00
Current trade debtors3 044.002 812.001 276.001 477.001 081.74
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 931.00427.001 647.002 831.001 213.08
Prepayments and accrued income124.00135.00171.0014.00180.63
Current other receivables843.00693.0044.0044.00171.75
Current deferred tax assets14.00215.15
Short term receivables total6 942.004 067.003 138.004 380.002 862.35
Cash and bank deposits1 976.002 119.001 212.00716.00695.06
Cash and cash equivalents1 976.002 119.001 212.00716.00695.06
Balance sheet total (assets)11 577.009 205.006 486.007 881.006 373.89

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Other reserves209.00225.00268.001 137.00797.92
Retained earnings902.001 901.002 570.002 657.002 826.34
Profit of the financial year1 016.00712.00956.00- 170.00-1 899.81
Shareholders equity total2 252.002 963.003 919.003 749.001 849.45
Non-current deferred tax liabilities228.00228.00286.00
Non-current liabilities total228.00228.00286.00
Current trade creditors3 166.003 026.001 445.001 291.00440.46
Current owed to group member5 027.002 255.0094.001 475.002 133.89
Short-term deferred tax liabilities257.00228.00228.00286.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities480.00325.00308.00812.001 950.09
Current liabilities total8 930.005 834.002 075.003 864.004 524.44
Balance sheet total (liabilities)11 577.009 205.006 486.007 881.006 373.89
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