GLA Holding af 30/3 2016 ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures
CVR number: 37676543
Gl Strandvej 61, Strib 5500 Middelfart
Income statement (kDKK)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Fiscal period length | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Net sales | |||||
External services | -5.00 | ||||
Gross profit | -5.00 | -4.00 | -5.00 | -5.00 | -5.00 |
EBIT | -5.00 | -4.00 | -5.00 | -5.00 | -5.00 |
Other financial income | 0.26 | ||||
Other financial expenses | -0.07 | ||||
Net income from associates (fin.) | 386.00 | 258.00 | 370.00 | 528.00 | - 202.09 |
Pre-tax profit | 381.00 | 254.00 | 365.00 | 523.00 | - 206.91 |
Net earnings | 381.00 | 254.00 | 365.00 | 523.00 | - 206.91 |
Assets (kDKK)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Intangible assets total | |||||
Tangible assets total | |||||
Participating interests | 4 643.00 | 4 786.00 | 5 036.00 | 5 439.00 | 5 112.14 |
Investments total | 4 643.00 | 4 786.00 | 5 036.00 | 5 439.00 | 5 112.14 |
Long term receivables total | |||||
Inventories total | |||||
Current owed by particip. interest comp. | 2.00 | 8.00 | 10.59 | ||
Short term receivables total | 2.00 | 8.00 | 10.59 | ||
Balance sheet total (assets) | 4 643.00 | 4 786.00 | 5 038.00 | 5 447.00 | 5 122.73 |
Equity and liabilities (kDKK)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Share capital | 50.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 |
Shares repurchased | 111.00 | 113.00 | 114.00 | 118.00 | 122.00 |
Other reserves | 964.00 | 1 102.00 | 1 347.00 | 1 750.00 | 1 548.03 |
Retained earnings | 3 129.00 | 3 260.00 | 3 154.00 | 2 998.00 | 3 601.43 |
Profit of the financial year | 381.00 | 254.00 | 365.00 | 523.00 | - 206.91 |
Shareholders equity total | 4 635.00 | 4 779.00 | 5 030.00 | 5 439.00 | 5 114.55 |
Non-current liabilities total | |||||
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities | 8.00 | 7.00 | 8.00 | 8.00 | 8.18 |
Current liabilities total | 8.00 | 7.00 | 8.00 | 8.00 | 8.18 |
Balance sheet total (liabilities) | 4 643.00 | 4 786.00 | 5 038.00 | 5 447.00 | 5 122.73 |
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