HENRIK JOHANNESEN HOLDING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 26340470
Vardevej 2, 7400 Herning

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit3 690.0013 137.0012 429.0020 523.0010 133.00
Costs of management-3 400.00-3 313.00-3 334.00-4 847.00-4 381.00
Costs of distribution- 514.00- 369.00- 496.00-1 020.00-1 307.00
EBIT- 224.009 455.008 599.0014 656.004 445.00
Other financial income4 358.0011 195.002 997.007 527.0010 770.00
Other financial expenses- 599.00- 651.00-12 512.00-1 649.00-1 798.00
Pre-tax profit3 535.0019 999.00- 916.0020 534.0013 417.00
Income taxes- 812.00-4 401.00480.00-4 568.00-2 967.00
Net earnings2 723.0015 598.00- 436.0015 966.0010 450.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters71 434.0070 273.0070 336.0076 279.0075 570.00
Buildings23 877.0020 325.0018 193.0017 998.0016 214.00
Machinery and equipment112.0083.0054.001 394.004 037.00
Advance payments and construction in progress174.00299.001 104.00208.006 745.00
Tangible assets total95 597.0090 980.0089 687.0095 879.00102 566.00
Other receivables-28 701.00
Investments total-28 701.00
Non-current loans receivable33 404.00
Long term receivables total33 404.00
Raw materials and consumables5 289.007 826.009 242.007 156.007 192.00
Finished products/goods13 589.0011 453.0026 820.0039 755.0030 332.00
Inventories total18 878.0019 279.0036 062.0046 911.0037 524.00
Current trade debtors16 587.0014 233.0013 238.008 966.0013 914.00
Prepayments and accrued income441.001 390.001 502.00706.00647.00
Current other receivables808.002 686.00277.00191.00409.00
Current deferred tax assets221.001 089.00
Short term receivables total18 057.0018 309.0016 106.009 863.0014 970.00
Other current investments15 706.0062 968.0052 976.0058 052.0064 808.00
Cash and bank deposits12 030.002 712.003 043.0015 881.006 707.00
Cash and cash equivalents27 736.0065 680.0056 019.0073 933.0071 515.00
Balance sheet total (assets)193 672.00194 248.00197 874.00226 586.00197 874.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased1 000.002 000.002 000.004 000.002 000.00
Other reserves-19 615.00
Retained earnings90 554.0090 008.00102 745.0096 806.00110 867.00
Profit of the financial year2 723.0015 598.00- 436.0015 966.0010 450.00
Minority interest (BS)1 813.003 078.002 119.003 622.002 726.00
Shareholders equity total96 215.00110 809.00106 553.00120 519.00106 553.00
Provisions2 212.002 984.002 468.005 858.004 205.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions20 875.0020 277.0019 696.0021 837.0021 193.00
Non-current leasing loans11 069.0010 194.007 785.005 252.00
Non-current other liabilities14 206.00
Non-current liabilities total35 081.0031 346.0029 890.0029 622.0026 445.00
Current loans from credit institutions3 447.004 546.002 848.002 791.005 669.00
Advances received28 347.0015 160.0032 853.0039 840.0035 004.00
Current trade creditors8 616.0012 294.0013 304.0012 304.0012 503.00
Current owed to participating4 510.002 582.002 555.005 656.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities1 911.00633.001 949.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities19 754.0010 688.007 376.0012 464.008 976.00
Current liabilities total60 164.0049 109.0058 963.0070 587.0069 757.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)193 672.00194 248.00197 874.00226 586.00206 960.00
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