Synergy Denmark A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42583588
Kay Fiskers Plads 10, 2300 København S

Income statement (kUSD)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit11 598.886 087.56
Employee benefit expenses-3 608.71-3 197.44
Total depreciation-5 802.56-5 059.10
EBIT2 187.61-2 168.98
Other financial income386.09555.61
Other financial expenses- 285.49
Pre-tax profit2 573.70-1 898.87
Income taxes- 566.20544.12
Net earnings2 007.51-1 354.74

Assets (kUSD)

Intangible rights18 969.7112 783.93
Intangible assets total18 969.7112 783.93
Machinery and equipment263.06195.32
Tangible assets total263.06195.32
Holdings in group member companies1 556.531 556.53
Other receivables81.7780.15
Investments total1 638.301 636.68
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.8 500.00
Long term receivables total8 500.00
Inventories total
Current trade debtors598.91523.82
Current amounts owed by group member comp.3 060.64525.56
Prepayments and accrued income80.3575.65
Current other receivables43 428.8232 022.77
Current deferred tax assets353.251 476.51
Short term receivables total47 521.9734 624.30
Cash and bank deposits2 988.321 036.28
Cash and cash equivalents2 988.321 036.28
Balance sheet total (assets)71 381.3658 776.53

Equity and liabilities (kUSD)

Share capital78.1178.11
Retained earnings24 746.4825 171.74
Profit of the financial year2 007.51-1 354.74
Shareholders equity total26 832.1023 895.11
Non-current deferred tax liabilities265.78
Non-current liabilities total265.78
Current trade creditors664.7186.78
Current owed to group member252.242 041.56
Short-term deferred tax liabilities919.45
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities42 712.8732 487.28
Current liabilities total44 549.2634 615.63
Balance sheet total (liabilities)71 381.3658 776.53
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