FONDEN LANGELANDS ELFORSYNING — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 80000316
Spodsbjergvej 141, 5900 Rudkøbing
tel: 62511055

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales12 482.0312 873.4912 438.7813 842.3114 988.73
Other operating income395.94
Costs of manufacturing-3 515.95-3 609.87-3 413.73-3 911.37-4 401.34
Gross profit8 966.079 263.629 025.059 930.9410 587.40
Costs of management-9 425.60-10 118.00-12 679.04-11 674.75-12 022.20
Costs of distribution-4 557.15-4 592.60-3 960.97-3 709.12-4 397.06
EBIT-5 016.67-5 446.98-7 614.97-5 452.93-5 435.92
Other financial income23 228.9413 000.6816 143.695 059.2218 437.68
Other financial expenses-1.81- 117.55- 942.61-34 283.00- 733.63
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets4 981.97
Net income from associates (fin.)2 035.57-1 617.93- 243.40-2 224.228 808.35
Pre-tax profit20 246.035 818.2212 324.69-36 900.9321 076.48
Income taxes-3 809.54-1 412.66-2 594.31866.00-25.61
Net earnings16 436.494 405.559 730.38-36 034.9321 050.87

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters4 303.674 088.643 873.613 658.593 443.56
Machinery and equipment1 659.411 541.321 180.495 470.914 858.88
Advance payments and construction in progress69.97
Tangible assets total5 963.085 629.965 054.119 129.508 372.41
Holdings in group member companies121 059.07120 290.23122 093.44121 216.46134 052.47
Investments total121 059.07120 290.23122 093.44121 216.46134 052.47
Non-current loans receivable2 251.052 251.0550.0050.0050.00
Long term receivables total2 251.052 251.0550.0050.0050.00
Raw materials and consumables222.80263.80181.10359.30359.30
Inventories total222.80263.80181.10359.30359.30
Current trade debtors145.54172.2271.55262.99327.43
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 267.89921.651 202.701 397.983 144.84
Prepayments and accrued income268.12237.75290.32237.95121.28
Current other receivables469.29440.40482.34588.41701.61
Current deferred tax assets945.84764.61
Short term receivables total2 150.841 772.012 046.913 433.165 059.77
Other current investments221 982.52227 676.65233 424.83194 113.74201 586.72
Cash and bank deposits1 016.111 238.916 158.881 136.191 077.66
Cash and cash equivalents222 998.63228 915.55239 583.71195 249.93202 664.38
Balance sheet total (assets)354 645.47359 122.60369 009.26329 438.35350 558.33

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital6 548.756 548.756 548.756 548.75100 000.00
Other restricted equity1 600.00800.004 998.003 998.003 148.18
Retained earnings320 759.26337 195.75336 601.31346 331.68216 845.50
Profit of the financial year16 436.494 405.559 730.38-36 034.9321 050.87
Shareholders equity total345 344.50348 950.05357 878.43320 843.50341 044.55
Provisions4 895.405 742.496 322.105 511.05795.00
Non-current other liabilities329.90948.78
Non-current liabilities total329.90948.78
Current loans from credit institutions501.671 069.816 146.91
Current trade creditors247.86632.902 087.67532.84917.35
Short-term deferred tax liabilities2 169.641 056.45790.21
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 156.501 791.921 930.861 481.151 654.52
Current liabilities total4 075.673 481.274 808.733 083.808 718.78
Balance sheet total (liabilities)354 645.47359 122.60369 009.26329 438.35350 558.33
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