JS World Media Holding A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42625191
Aros Allé 1, 8000 Aarhus C
tel: 87325000

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit-37.71- 314.27- 148.31
EBIT-37.71- 314.27- 148.31
Other financial income3.5514.6918.76
Other financial expenses-4 044.34-13 984.29-21 272.92
Net income from associates (fin.)17 131.5820 456.87-4 209.64
Pre-tax profit13 053.076 173.00-25 612.11
Income taxes897.273 170.044 677.38
Net earnings13 950.349 343.04-20 934.74

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies632 160.16652 291.35596 060.41
Investments total632 160.16652 291.35596 060.41
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 716.41
Prepayments and accrued income37.2737.27
Current deferred tax assets897.273 170.044 928.58
Short term receivables total3 613.693 207.314 965.84
Cash and bank deposits16.523 038.56
Cash and cash equivalents16.523 038.56
Balance sheet total (assets)635 773.85655 515.17604 064.81

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital3 000.003 000.003 000.00
Other reserves17 050.1637 181.35
Retained earnings300 478.42293 971.89340 774.98
Profit of the financial year13 950.349 343.04-20 934.74
Shareholders equity total334 478.93343 496.28322 840.24
Provisions94 274.88
Non-current loans from credit institutions117 252.80212 836.63159 562.39
Non-current liabilities total117 252.80212 836.63159 562.39
Current loans from credit institutions29 280.4357 127.0737 167.85
Current trade creditors1 127.99821.84163.38
Current owed to group member1 304.7539 857.2782 188.95
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities152 328.96-92 898.792 142.00
Current liabilities total184 042.124 907.39121 662.18
Balance sheet total (liabilities)635 773.85655 515.17604 064.81
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