Amalieklinikken A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42511749
Dronningens Tværgade 30, 1302 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit12 296.9837 567.8230 909.30
Employee benefit expenses-13 413.73-37 455.80-30 453.96
Total depreciation-2 069.52-5 168.86-4 906.44
EBIT-3 186.27-5 056.83-4 451.11
Other financial income7.72
Other financial expenses- 690.63-1 591.54-2 413.25
Pre-tax profit-3 876.90-6 648.37-6 856.63
Income taxes1 007.00-1 007.00
Net earnings-2 869.90-7 655.37-6 856.63

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill28 500.0025 500.0022 500.00
Intangible assets total28 500.0025 500.0022 500.00
Buildings9 266.678 498.977 577.94
Machinery and equipment5 589.565 491.815 292.05
Tangible assets total14 856.2313 990.7912 869.99
Other receivables1 295.411 314.161 460.20
Investments total1 295.411 314.161 460.20
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables1 826.691 678.621 630.39
Inventories total1 826.691 678.621 630.39
Current trade debtors394.8377.02
Prepayments and accrued income746.68586.0757.58
Current other receivables334.37490.7228.00
Current deferred tax assets1 007.00
Short term receivables total2 088.051 471.62162.59
Cash and bank deposits3 801.62187.5398.54
Cash and cash equivalents3 801.62187.5398.54
Balance sheet total (assets)52 368.0044 142.7238 721.72

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital400.00450.00450.00
Retained earnings-2 869.89-10 525.26
Profit of the financial year-2 869.90-7 655.37-6 856.63
Shareholders equity total-2 469.90-10 075.26-16 931.89
Non-current loans from credit institutions9 270.388 574.187 901.82
Non-current owed to group member30 500.0030 969.6033 123.08
Non-current liabilities total39 770.3839 543.7841 024.90
Current loans from credit institutions2 150.656 403.096 983.88
Advances received627.00870.95714.35
Current trade creditors2 530.961 270.17980.01
Current owed to participating2 810.693 613.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities9 758.903 319.322 337.47
Current liabilities total15 067.5114 674.2014 628.70
Balance sheet total (liabilities)52 368.0044 142.7238 721.72
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