T. E. Biler ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 44023792
Kuopiovej 18, 5700 Svendborg
tel: 20221021

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12
Net sales
Gross profit4 284.84
Employee benefit expenses-2 924.84
Total depreciation- 235.02
EBIT1 124.98
Other financial income1.29
Other financial expenses- 300.82
Net income from associates (fin.)11.16
Pre-tax profit836.60
Income taxes- 196.26
Net earnings640.35

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total566.26453.01
Land and waters4 000.00
Machinery and equipment600.00555.28
Tangible assets total4 600.00555.28
Holdings in group member companies1 361.50
Other receivables126.00
Investments total1 487.50
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables139.97154.05
Finished products/goods4 525.865 190.64
Inventories total4 665.845 344.69
Current trade debtors1 194.531 298.55
Prepayments and accrued income180.46120.21
Current other receivables126.0232.34
Short term receivables total1 501.011 451.10
Cash and bank deposits130.01
Cash and cash equivalents130.01
Balance sheet total (assets)11 333.119 421.61

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.00
Share premium account4 574.054 574.05
Shares repurchased600.00
Other reserves11.16
Retained earnings- 611.16
Profit of the financial year640.35
Shareholders equity total4 614.055 254.40
Non-current loans from credit institutions2 577.83
Non-current liabilities total2 577.83
Current loans from credit institutions2 935.742 374.13
Advances received60.00
Current trade creditors422.85557.78
Current owed to participating127.11
Current owed to group member135.28
Short-term deferred tax liabilities199.61
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities413.11551.63
Current liabilities total3 771.714 005.55
Balance sheet total (liabilities)11 333.119 421.61
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